Download media files (.jpg, .jpeg, .webm, ...) from with their posted filenames.
If the thread has multiple files with the same posted filename the files will be renamed (downloaded with a different name).
- requests
- beautifulsoup4
- colorama
./4chan-dl -d downloads ""
Just downloads new files in thread.
./4chan-dl -g -d downloads ""
usage: 4chan-dl [-h] [-d directory] [-s] [-r] [-p] [-c] [-f file.txt] [-t num_threads] [-v] [-g] url
Download media files from with their posted filenames
positional arguments:
url 4chan thread url
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-d directory, --directory directory
directory to save files to
-s, --skip if file exists with the same filename skip it (default: overwrite)
-r, --recursive_skip recursively search for filenames to skip
-p, --postid download files with post's id rather than posted filename
-c, --combine download files with post's id + posted name (<postid>_<postname>.<ext>)
-f file.txt, --filter file.txt
urls to ignore stored in file
-t num_threads, --threads num_threads
number of download worker threads (default: 1)
-v, --verbose be more verbose
-g, --goodargs -crvt 5