This is a simple to use Whatsapp Bot written in Python with Selenium.
Download the Source Code & your Chromedriver
Open a Terminal / CMD
Run the following Commands in it :
pip install selenium
pip install asyncio -
The following steps should be easy.
You doubleclick and it should instantly open an Google Chrome Website. It should redirect you to Whatsapps official Website.
You login into your Whatsapp Account with following steps:
4.1) Open Whatsapp on your Phone
4.2) Find the Whatsapp Settings
4.3) Locate to Whatsapp Web/Desktop
4.4) Click on " Scan QR-Code "
4.5) You scan the QR-Code on the given Website and you are logged in.
Now take a look at the opened Terminal It should ask you every needed Information. After every Answer hit Enter. Once you input the Time, the Program sleeps until the Time has come.
Chrome Driver Version outdated!
--> Navigate to the three dots at the top right corner of Google Chrome. Select "Help" and hit "About Google Chrome". Your current Chrome Version should be displayed there. It's either starting with 85 - 86 or 87 The Chrome Driver in the Code is Version 86.0.4240.22 If that's not your Chrome Version you download yours here:
Your pip is not recognized!
--> Uninstall your current Python Version and download it again. Don't forget to tick the " Add to Path " Box. Fixed.
Discord: enes#5555
Feel free to create a Pull Request.