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0815Creeper committed Oct 28, 2023
1 parent 055e790 commit a2ceb0d
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Showing 2 changed files with 286 additions and 228 deletions.
227 changes: 128 additions & 99 deletions src/FMI2/sim.jl
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Expand Up @@ -263,7 +263,12 @@ function fx(c::FMU2Component,
return dx

# wrapper
fmi2SimulateME(c::FMU2Component, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
Wrapper for `fmi2SimulateME(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)` without a provided FMU2.
(FMU2 `fmu` is taken from `c`)
function fmi2SimulateME(c::FMU2Component, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
fmi2SimulateME(c.fmu, c, tspan; kwargs...)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -295,66 +300,76 @@ function setupODEProblem(c::FMU2Component, x0::AbstractArray{fmi2Real}, tspan::U

function fmi2SimulateME(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing;
tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
dt::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
solver = nothing,
customFx = nothing,
recordValues::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing,
recordEventIndicators::Union{AbstractArray{<:Integer, 1}, UnitRange{<:Integer}, Nothing} = nothing,
saveat = nothing,
x0::Union{AbstractArray{<:Real}, Nothing} = nothing,
setup::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
reset::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
instantiate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
freeInstance::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
terminate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
inputValueReferences::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing,
inputFunction = nothing,
parameters::Union{Dict{<:Any, <:Any}, Nothing} = nothing,
dtmax::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
callbacksBefore = [],
callbacksAfter = [],
showProgress::Bool = true,
Simulates a FMU instance for the given simulation time interval.
State- and Time-Events are handled correctly.
Via the optional keyword arguemnts `inputValues` and `inputFunction`, a custom input function `f(c, u, t)`, `f(c, t)`, `f(u, t)`, `f(c, u)` or `f(t)` with `c` current component, `u` current state and `t` current time can be defined, that should return a array of values for `fmi2SetReal(..., inputValues, inputFunction(...))`.
- solver: Any Julia-supported ODE-solver (default is the DifferentialEquations.jl default solver, currently `AutoTsit5(Rosenbrock23())`)
- customFx: [deprecated] Ability to give a custom state derivative function ẋ=f(x,t)
- recordValues: Array of variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) to record. Results are returned as `DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues`
- recordEventIndicators: Array or Range of event indicators (identified by integers) to record
- recordEigenvalues: Boolean value, if eigenvalues shall be computed and recorded
- saveat: Time points to save values at (interpolated)
- setup: Boolean, if FMU should be setup (default=true)
- reset: Union{Bool, :auto}, if FMU should be reset before simulation (default reset=:auto)
- inputValueReferences: Array of input variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) to set at every simulation step
- inputFunction: Function to retrieve the values to set the inputs to
- parameters: Dictionary of parameter variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) and values (Real, Integer, Boolean, String) to set parameters during initialization
- `callbacks`: custom callbacks to add
c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing,
tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing;
[tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
dt::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
solver = nothing,
customFx = nothing,
recordValues::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing,
recordEventIndicators::Union{AbstractArray{<:Integer, 1}, UnitRange{<:Integer}, Nothing} = nothing,
saveat = nothing,
x0::Union{AbstractArray{<:Real}, Nothing} = nothing,
setup::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
reset::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
instantiate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
freeInstance::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
terminate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing,
inputValueReferences::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing,
inputFunction = nothing,
parameters::Union{Dict{<:Any, <:Any}, Nothing} = nothing,
dtmax::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
callbacksBefore = [],
callbacksAfter = [],
showProgress::Bool = true,
Simulate ME-FMU for the given simulation time interval.
- If keyword `recordValues` is not set, a struct of type `ODESolution`.
State- and Time-Events are handled correctly.
- If keyword `recordValues` is set, a tuple of type (ODESolution, DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues).
# Arguments
- `fmu::FMU2`: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances.
- `c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing`: Mutable struct representing an instantiated instance of a FMU.
- `tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing`: Simulation-time-span as tuple (default = nothing: use default value from `fmu`'s model description or (0.0, 1.0))
- `tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing`: tolerance for the solver (default = nothing: use default value from `fmu`'s model description or -if not available- default from DifferentialEquations.jl)
- `dt::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing`: stepszie for the solver (default = nothing: use default value from `fmu`'s model description or -if not available- default from DifferentialEquations.jl)
- `solver = nothing`: Any Julia-supported ODE-solver (default = nothing: use DifferentialEquations.jl default solver)
- `customFx`: [deprecated] custom state derivative function ẋ=f(x,t)
- `recordValues::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat` = nothing: Array of variables (Strings or variableIdentifiers) to record. Results are returned as `DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues`
- `recordEventIndicators::Union{AbstractArray{<:Integer, 1}, UnitRange{<:Integer}, Nothing} = nothing`: Array or Range of event indicators to record
- `recordEigenvalues::Bool=false`: compute and record eigenvalues
- `saveat = nothing`: Time points to save (interpolated) values at (default = nothing: save at each solver timestep)
- `x0::Union{AbstractArray{<:Real}, Nothing} = nothing`: inital fmu State (default = nothing: use current or default-inital fmu state)
- `setup::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2SetupExperiment, fmi2EnterInitializationMode and fmi2ExitInitializationMode before each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `reset::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2Reset before each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `instantiate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2Instantiate! before each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `freeInstance::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2FreeInstance after each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `terminate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2Terminate after each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `inputValueReferences::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing`: Input variables (Strings or variableIdentifiers) to set at each simulation step
- `inputFunction = nothing`: Function to get values for the input variables at each simulation step.
## Pattern [`c`: current component, `u`: current state ,`t`: current time, returning array of values to be passed to `fmi2SetReal(..., inputValueReferences, inputFunction(...))`]:
- `inputFunction(t::fmi2Real)`
- `inputFunction(c::FMU2Component, t::fmi2Real)`
- `inputFunction(c::FMU2Component, u::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real,1}, Nothing})`
- `inputFunction(u::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real,1}, Nothing}, t::fmi2Real)`
- `inputFunction(c::FMU2Component, u::Union{AbstractArray{fmi2Real,1}, Nothing}, t::fmi2Real)`
- `parameters::Union{Dict{<:Any, <:Any}, Nothing} = nothing`: Dict of parameter variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) and values (Real, Integer, Boolean, String) to set parameters during initialization
- `dtmax::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing`: sets the maximum stepszie for the solver (default = nothing: use `(Simulation-time-span-length)/100.0`)
- `callbacksBefore = [], callbacksAfter = []`: functions that are to be called before and after internal time-event-, state-event- and step-event-callbacks are called
- `showProgress::Bool = true`: print simulation progressmeter in REPL
- `kwargs...`: keyword arguments that get passed onto the solvers solve call
# Returns:
- If keyword `recordValues` has value `nothing`, a struct of type `ODESolution`.
- If keyword `recordValues` is set, a tuple of type `(ODESolution, DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues)`.
See also [`fmi2Simulate`](@ref), [`fmi2SimulateCS`](@ref).
function fmi2SimulateME(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing;
tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -633,16 +648,23 @@ export fmi2SimulateME
# return ThreadPool.foreach((c, x0, parameters) -> fmi2SimulateME(fmu, c; x0=x0, parameters=parameters, kwargs...), zip())
# end

# wrapper
############ Co-Simulation ############

fmi2SimulateCS(c::FMU2Component, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
Wrapper for `fmi2SimulateCS(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)` without a provided FMU2.
(FMU2 `fmu` is taken from `c`)
function fmi2SimulateCS(c::FMU2Component, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
fmi2SimulateCS(c.fmu, c, tspan; kwargs...)

############ Co-Simulation ############

fmi2SimulateCS(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing;
tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing,
tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing;
[tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
dt::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
recordValues::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing,
saveat = [],
Expand All @@ -654,23 +676,38 @@ end
inputValueReferences::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing,
inputFunction = nothing,
parameters::Union{Dict{<:Any, <:Any}, Nothing} = nothing)
Starts a simulation of the Co-Simulation FMU instance.
Via the optional keyword arguments `inputValues` and `inputFunction`, a custom input function `f(c, t)` or `f(t)` with time `t` and component `c` can be defined, that should return a array of values for `fmi2SetReal(..., inputValues, inputFunction(...))`.
- recordValues: Array of variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) to record. Results are returned as `DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues`
- saveat: Time points to save values at (interpolated)
- setup: Boolean, if FMU should be setup (default=true)
- reset: Boolean, if FMU should be reset before simulation (default reset=setup)
- inputValueReferences: Array of input variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) to set at every simulation step
- inputFunction: Function to retrieve the values to set the inputs to
- parameters: Dictionary of parameter variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) and values (Real, Integer, Boolean, String) to set parameters during initialization
- If keyword `recordValues` is not set, a boolean `success` is returned (simulation success).
- If keyword `recordValues` is set, a tuple of type (true, DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues) or (false, nothing).
parameters::Union{Dict{<:Any, <:Any}, Nothing} = nothing])
Simulate CS-FMU for the given simulation time interval.
# Arguments
- `fmu::FMU2`: Mutable struct representing a FMU and all it instantiated instances.
- `c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing`: Mutable struct representing an instantiated instance of a FMU.
- `tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing`: Simulation-time-span as tuple (default = nothing: use default value from `fmu`'s model description or (0.0, 1.0))
- `tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing`: tolerance for the solver (default = nothing: use default value from `fmu`'s model description or 0.0)
- `dt::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing`: stepszie for the solver (default = nothing: use default value from `fmu`'s model description or 1e-3)
- `recordValues::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat` = nothing: Array of variables (Strings or variableIdentifiers) to record. Results are returned as `DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues`
- `saveat = nothing`: Time points to save values at (default = nothing: save at each communication timestep)
- `setup::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2SetupExperiment, fmi2EnterInitializationMode and fmi2ExitInitializationMode before each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `reset::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2Reset before each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `instantiate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2Reset before each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `freeInstance::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2FreeInstance after each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `terminate::Union{Bool, Nothing} = nothing`: call fmi2Terminate after each step (default = nothing: use value from `fmu`'s `FMU2ExecutionConfiguration`)
- `inputValueReferences::fmi2ValueReferenceFormat = nothing`: Input variables (Strings or variableIdentifiers) to set at each communication step
- `inputFunction = nothing`: Function to get values for the input variables at each communication step.
## Pattern [`c`: current component, `t`: current time, returning array of values to be passed to `fmi2SetReal(..., inputValueReferences, inputFunction(...))`]:
- `inputFunction(t::fmi2Real)`
- `inputFunction(c::FMU2Component, t::fmi2Real)`
- `showProgress::Bool = true`: print simulation progressmeter in REPL
- `parameters::Union{Dict{<:Any, <:Any}, Nothing} = nothing`: Dict of parameter variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) and values (Real, Integer, Boolean, String) to set parameters during initialization
# Returns:
- `fmusol::FMU2Solution`, containing bool `fmusol.success` and if keyword `recordValues` is set, the saved values as `fmusol.values`.
See also [`fmi2Simulate`](@ref), [`fmi2SimulateME`](@ref).
function fmi2SimulateCS(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing;
tolerance::Union{Real, Nothing} = nothing,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -831,7 +868,12 @@ export fmi2SimulateCS

##### CS & ME #####

# wrapper
fmi2Simulate(c::FMU2Component, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
Wrapper for `fmi2Simulate(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)` without a provided FMU2.
(FMU2 `fmu` is taken from `c`)
function fmi2Simulate(c::FMU2Component, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
fmi2Simulate(c.fmu, c, tspan; kwargs...)
Expand All @@ -845,24 +887,11 @@ end
# end

fmi2Simulate(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)
Starts a simulation of the FMU instance for the matching FMU type, if both types are available, CS is preferred.
- recordValues: Array of variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) to record. Results are returned as `DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues`
- setup: Boolean, if FMU should be setup (default=true)
- reset: Boolean, if FMU should be reset before simulation (default reset=setup)
- inputValues: Array of input variables (strings or variableIdentifiers) to set at every simulation step
- inputFunction: Function to retrieve the values to set the inputs to
- saveat: [ME only] Time points to save values at (interpolated)
- solver: [ME only] Any Julia-supported ODE-solver (default is default from DifferentialEquations.jl)
- customFx: [ME only, deprecated] Ability to give a custom state derivative function ẋ=f(x,t)
- `success::Bool` for CS-FMUs
- `ODESolution` for ME-FMUs
- if keyword `recordValues` is set, a tuple of type (success::Bool, DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues) for CS-FMUs
- if keyword `recordValues` is set, a tuple of type (ODESolution, DiffEqCallbacks.SavedValues) for ME-FMUs
Starts a simulation of the `FMU2` for the matching type (`fmi2SimulateCS(args...)` or `fmi2SimulateME(args...)`); if both types are available, CS is preferred.
See also [`fmi2SimulateCS`](@ref), [`fmi2SimulateME`](@ref).
function fmi2Simulate(fmu::FMU2, c::Union{FMU2Component, Nothing}=nothing, tspan::Union{Tuple{Float64, Float64}, Nothing}=nothing; kwargs...)

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