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TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning


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TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning

Docs Gitter Build Status License


TensorForce is an open source reinforcement learning library focused on providing clear APIs, readability and modularisation to deploy reinforcement learning solutions both in research and practice. TensorForce is built on top of TensorFlow and compatible with Python 2.7 and >3.5 and supports multiple state inputs and multi-dimensional actions to be compatible with Gym, Universe, and DeepMind lab.

An introductory blog post can also be found on our blog.

IMPORTANT: Please do read the latest update notes at the bottom of this document to get an idea of how the project is evolving, especially concerning majorAPI breaking updates.

The main difference to existing libraries is a strict separation of environments, agents and update logic that facilitates usage in non-simulation environments. Further, research code often relies on fixed network architectures that have been used to tackle particular benchmarks. TensorForce is built with the idea that (almost) everything should be optionally configurable and in particular uses value function template configurations to be able to quickly experiment with new models. The goal of TensorForce is to provide a practitioner's reinforcement learning framework that integrates into modern software service architectures.

TensorForce is actively being maintained and developed both to continuously improve the existing code as well as to reflect new developments as they arise. The aim is not to include every new trick but to adopt methods as they prove themselves stable.


TensorForce currently integrates with the OpenAI Gym API, OpenAI Universe and DeepMind lab. The following algorithms are available (all policy methods both continuous/discrete):

  1. A3C using distributed TensorFlow - now as part of our generic Model usable with different agents
  2. Trust Region Policy Optimization (TRPO) with generalised advantage estimation (GAE)
  3. Normalised Advantage functions (NAFs)
  4. DQN/Double-DQN
  5. Vanilla Policy Gradients (VPG)
  6. Deep Q-learning from Demonstration (DQFD) - paper


For the most straight-forward install via pip, execute:

git clone
cd tensorforce
pip install -e .

TensorForce is built on Google's Tensorflow. The installation command assumes that you have tensorflow or tensorflow-gpu installed.

Alternatively, you can use the following commands to install the tensorflow dependency.

To install TensorForce with tensorflow (cpu), use:

pip install tensorforce[tf] -e .

To install TensorForce with tensorflow-gpu (gpu), use:

pip install tensorforce[tf_gpu] -e .

To update TensorForce, just run git pull in the tensorforce directory. Please note that we did not include OpenAI Gym/Universe/DeepMind lab in the default install script because not everyone will want to use these. Please install them as required, usually via pip.

Examples and documentation

For a quick start, you can run one of our example scripts using the provided configurations, e.g. to run the TRPO agent on CartPole, execute from the examples folder:

python examples/ CartPole-v0 -a TRPOAgent -c examples/configs/trpo_cartpole.json -n examples/configs/trpo_cartpole_network.json

Documentation is available at ReadTheDocs. We also have tests validating models on minimal environments which can be run from the main directory by executing pytest{.sourceCode}.

Use with DeepMind lab

Since DeepMind lab is only available as source code, a manual install via bazel is required. Further, due to the way bazel handles external dependencies, cloning TensorForce into lab is the most convenient way to run it using the bazel BUILD file we provide. To use lab, first download and install it according to instructions

git clone

Add to the lab main BUILD file:

package(default_visibility = ["//visibility:public"])

Clone TensorForce into the lab directory, then run the TensorForce bazel runner. Note that using any specific configuration file currently requires changing the Tensorforce BUILD file to adjust environment parameters.

bazel run //tensorforce:lab_runner

Please note that we have not tried to reproduce any lab results yet, and these instructions just explain connectivity in case someone wants to get started there.

Create and use agents

To use TensorForce as a library without using the pre-defined simulation runners, simply install and import the library, then create an agent and use it as seen below (see documentation for all optional parameters):

from tensorforce import Configuration
from tensorforce.agents import TRPOAgent
from tensorforce.core.networks import layered_network_builder

config = Configuration(
  actions=dict(continuous=False, num_actions=2)
  network=layered_network_builder([dict(type='dense', size=50), dict(type='dense', size=50)])

# Create a Trust Region Policy Optimization agent, reset internal state 
agent = TRPOAgent(config=config)

# Get new data from somewhere, e.g. a client to a web app
client = MyClient('', 8080)

# Poll new state from client
state = client.get_state()

# Get prediction from agent, execute
action = agent.act(state=state)
reward = client.execute(action)

# Add experience, agent automatically updates model according to batch size
agent.observe(reward=reward, terminal=False)

Update notes

8th July 2017

  • BREAKING CHANGE: We modified the act and observe API once more because we think there was a lack of clarity with regard to which state is observed (current vs next). The agent now internally manages states and actions in the correct sequence so observe only needs reward and terminal.
  • We further introduced a method import_observations so memory-based agents can preload data into memory (e.g. if historic data is available). We also added a method last_observation on the generic agent which gives the current state, action, reward, terminal and internal state
  • Fixed distributed agent mode, should run as intended now
  • Fixed target network usage in NAF. Tests now run smoothl
  • DQFDAgent now inherits from MemoryAgent

2nd July 2017

  • Fixed lab integration: updated bazel BUILD file with command line options
  • Adjusted environment integration to correctly select state and action interfaces
  • Changed default agent to VPG since lab mixes continuous and discrete actions

25h June 2017

  • Added prioritised experience replay
  • Added RandomAgent for discrete/continuous random baselines
  • Moved pre-processing from runner to agent, analogue to exploration

11th June 2017

  • Fixed bug in DQFD test where demo data was not always the correct action. Also fixed small bug in DQFD loss (mean over supervised loss)
  • Network entry added to configuration so no separate network builder has to be passed to the agent constructor (see example)
  • The async mode using distributed tensorflow has been merged into the main model class. See the example. In particular, this means multiple agents are now available in async mode. N.b. we are still working on making async/distributed things more convenient to use.
  • Fixed bug in NAF where target value (V) was connected to training output. Also added gradient clipping to NAF because we observed occasional numerical instability in testing.
  • For the same reason, we have altered the tests to always run multiple times and allow for an occasional failure on travis so our builds don't get broken by a random initialisation leading to an under/overflow.
  • Updated OpenAI Universe integration to work with our state/action interface, see an example in examples/
  • Added convenience method to create Network directly from json without needing to create a network builder, see examples for usage

Support and contact

TensorForce is maintained by, a new project focused on providing reinforcement learning software infrastructure. For any questions or support, get in touch at

You are also welcome to join our Gitter channel for help with using TensorForce, bugs or contributions:


If you use TensorForce in your academic research, we would be grateful if you could cite it as follows:

    author = {Schaarschmidt, Michael and Kuhnle, Alexander and Fricke, Kai},
    title = {TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning},
    howpublished={Web page},
    url = {},
    year = {2017}


TensorForce: A TensorFlow library for applied reinforcement learning



Apache-2.0, MIT licenses found

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  • Python 100.0%