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Cluster Layout

0phoff edited this page Nov 17, 2023 · 4 revisions

The Cluster layout is a default variant with the cluster class applied to its ::content:: slot. It places the ::content:: in an MxN grid.


Name Type Description Default
color String Which color to setup as slidev-theme-primary for that slide kul-blue-600
content-class String CSS classes to add to the ::content:: slot wrapper div
columns Number Number of columns to create 1
rows Number Number of rows to create automatically computed



The elements inside of the content slot get placed in a CSS grid. Check out our slots guide for more information about the inner workings of this slot.

You can easily override the basic cluster styles by providing UnoCSS classes to the content-class argument.


This slot allows you to add some text in the footer (next to the eavise icon). By default the text is slightly smaller and colored similarly to the rest of the footer, though it is easily overridable by providing your own styles for :deep(.slot-footer).




layout: cluster
columns: 3
content-class: text-center

# Slide Title

This layout constructs an NxM grid.

The `columns` argument should be set in most cases.

The `rows` argument will be computed automatically. 

paragraph 4

paragraph 5

Specific Rows


layout: cluster
columns: 3
rows: 3
content-class: text-center

# Slide Title

You can optionally specify the number of rows, so that even empty rows get created.

paragraph 2

paragraph 3

paragraph 4

Column & Row Placement


layout: cluster
columns: 3
rows: 2
content-class: text-center p-14 gap-5

# Slide Title

<Block class="w-full h-full stack col-start-2">

You can place items in the grid
with `col-start-X` and `row-start-X`


<Block class="w-full h-full stack row-span-2">

`row-span-X` and `col-span-X` can be used
to have elements that cover multiple rows or columns


<Block class="w-full h-full stack col-span-2">

This block has `col-span-2`
and is placed in the last possible position

