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Deploy Local Develop Environment


git clone
cd 0verDaPingTai
git submodule init
git submodule update
npm install
cp src/env.js.example src/env.js
cp src/_harp.json.example src/_harp.json

edit the config file in src/env.js edit the config file in src/_harp.json


npm run serve


npm run build

update submodule

git submodule update --recursive --remote

Deploy Docker Develop Environment

Just need to modify related documents(env.js, _harp.json, .env, docker-compose.yaml)

First of all, git clone than switch folder to 0verDaPingTai/, and do below

  • cd 0verDaPingTai/
    • switch git branch
      • sudo git checkout dev
    • add Submodule src/school path
      • sudo git submodule init
      • sudo git submodule update --recursive --remote
      • switch folder to src/school/ and do below
        • cd src/school/
        • edit _layout.ejs (modify "openLoading(); to "//openLoading()")
        • cd -
    • sudo cp src/env.js.example src/env.js
    • edit src/env.js (modify baseUrl, reCAPTCHA_site_key, stage)
    • sudo cp src/_harp.json.example src/_harp.json
    • edit src/_harp.json (modify year)
    • docker build
      • sudo docker run -it --rm -v $PWD:/0verDaPingTai -w /0verDaPingTai node:14.16.0 sh -c 'npm install && npm run build'

Secondly, switch folder to 0verDaPingTai/docker/ and do below

  • cd docker/
    • sudo cp .env.example .env
    • edit .env (modify NETWORKS)
    • edit docker-compose.yaml (modify the container's label which "`input school's domain name here`)")

Finally, did all the above mentioned it after that the last move is docker-compose up

  • sudo docker-compose up -d

If want to stop docker-compose

  • sudo docker-compose down