Releases: 0x5066/DeClassified
DeClassified 0.98
Highly recommend reading "Welcome to DeClassified 0.98.txt" if you plan on using this for your own needs.
This release fixes a few egregious issues that have cropped up in 0.95, I wanted to do a 0.95.1, then I saw a rabbit and fell down a rabbit hole... now we're here!
- Added the Video window for those 2 people out there
- Massively improved rendering of Standardframe (aka those generically skinned windows you see)
- Moved wasabi specific stuff into their own respective folders (this now also includes other things, such as the slider)
DeClassified 0.95
Highly recommend reading "Welcome to DeClassified 0.95.txt" if you plan on using this for your own needs.
This release was intended to be 0.9, but I got a bit distracted and ended up making this release bigger than I originally intended, however, it's still worth toying around with.
- Added the Playlist Editor (including it's shade mode!)
- Added support for generic skinned window frames/borders using gen.bmp (no longer will you see out of place looking wasabi borders)
DeClassified 0.5.2
With this being labelled a beta, and thinking I caught everything (being aware of some of the known issues), I wasn't exactly paying attention, nevertheless, here's 0.5.2 for you to toy around with...
- Fixed the EQ shade mode not having its respective buttons (shade button, close button)
- Added the action info for seeking
DeClassified 0.5.1
Addresses an issue that was caught by Samey the Hedgie (thanks for pointing it out!)
- Fixed the separate posbar background image not appearing/disappearing on playback and stop respectively.
DeClassified 0.5
Beta release, expect things to be wrong!
There's a read me included (Welcome to DeClassified 0.5.txt) that I encourage you to read, if you don't read it and ask me questions the read me answers, I will not help you.