allows you to generate shareable Remix IDE link for Solidity Smart contracts in your system.
The tool has only one command for utility:
: Generate commands generates the shareable URL.
Download the appropriate binary from the releases page and add it to the PATH.
remixer generate --help
Share Solidity Code Snippets as a shareable Remix IDE URL
remixer generate [flags]
generate, gen
--auto-compile string Toggle flag for turning on/off the auto compiler (default "true")
--evm-version string Version of the Ethereum Virtual Machine (default "default")
-f, --file string Smart Contract File for generating the shareable URL
-h, --help help for generate
-l, --language string Supported Values: Solidity or Yul (default "Solidity")
--optimize string Toggle flag for turning on/off Solidity Optimizer (default "false")
-p, --plugins string List of Plugins to be activated for the Remix IDE (seperated by commas)
-t, --theme string Theme for the Remix IDE (default "Dark")
This project has been developed as a part of implementing my knowledge on Go. If you feel there are certain areas that can be optimized, please feel free to contribute to this project.