Project Description | Live Demo
- This is a MERN stack CRUD application. The App uses Depth First Search (DFS) to traverse the User's graph and find the degree of separation along with the exact path between the 2 selected nodes. Each node is a User which contains all the user data like User ID, Name, Relation Type between the users, etc. Users and Relations can be added or deleted.
- The top 5 paths along with the Degree of Separation are displayed on the UI.
- The App is developed using the MERN stack, React & Chakra UI for the frontend along with Redux for state management. Node and Express for Backend and MongoDB for the database.
- Used Heroku to deploy the server and Netlify for the application UI.
- Clone the repo in your machine.
// UI
mkdir client
cd client
git clone
npm install
// Server
mkdir server
cd server
git clone
npm install
Make a
file in the server directory and copy your MongodB connection URI there along with the port number. -
Change the baseUrl in the client/src/api/index.js file to the local url.
Then run the application
// client
npm start
// server
npm start
- The server and the clinet can be accesed from here
Client -> http://localhost:3000/
Server -> http://localhost:5000/
- The Application uses DFS graph traversal algorithm to traverse the User graph and return all the paths between 2 users.
- The time complexity of DFS is O(V + E) where V is the number of users and E is the number of relation between them.
- As the number of users and the relations increases the algorithm will take more time to return the result.
- We can build a Graph Database on AWS Using Amazon DynamoDB and Titan, to scale our application for >=1M users. Amazon AWS
- The application can later be optimized for mobile devices also.