- First, you are NOT the target audience for this project
- But in short it is a demeaning, degrading, offensive, antagonistic, micro-agression test procedure that many organizations give to prospective members with the surface reason of judging programming/codong/development skills.
- FizzBuzz is the ultimate expression of a test obsessed classroom oriented society and is rarely even questioned. It is just another meaningless test out of the millions of tests used to pound the creativity of the average citizen into a useless potatoe mash by the time they have graduated University.
- So here it is: you count to some number like 100 and if the count is divisible by 3 you print "Fizz" and divisible by 5, you print "Buzz" and divisible by both, you get to print out "FizzBuzz" or some supid variation of that. It is the equivilent to "starting the engine" in a Driving Test.
- Because even though we might have to navigate a maze of twisty little passages, all roads in the 10UWP Organization lead to UWP
- Humans that want to discover UWP programming as a fun, playful, enjoyable medium of expression
- Humans that have not yet been infected with the Dilbert Virus.
- mild technical level - appreciating the inherent parody in FizzBuzz Enterprise Edition requires too much base knowledge for example and for anyone sitting on the cusp of that knowledge, runs the risk of not seeing the parody and actually adopting the style as a model.
- First, you are NOT the target audience for this project
- No human being wants to be degraded, so as a general indicator, any organization that wants to do this to you is probably one you should avoid, because most likely they have a poisonous culture, attitude, environment or all three. So don't take the test would be the logical choice. You can handle this politely by offerring to perform some actually useful task for humanity, or make a charitable donation in their name to the Don't Be Evil Foundation.
- Do the test at home on your own computer to see if you might have the common condition of Performance Anxiety. If you do, you will most likely be a happier person by seeking out specific counseling for that. If under no stress and using all the instructional Power of the Internet, the steps to complete FizzBuzz are confusing you, then look up online courses in a million other careers or learn a different programming language than PHP. We all suggest C# in this neck of the woods.
I am an evil administrator of degrading FizzBuzz tests and would like to overcome my serious addiction problem to viewing life through the eyes of the Teachers Union.
- First, you are NOT the target audience for this project until you receive treatment for your problem.
- The World is NOT actually a hierarchly of helpless student cannon fodder waiting to pass the next test.
- You might be able to wean yourself off the addiction in stages of decreasing evilness.
- My suggested alternative to those who are compelled to see life as a series of trial by fire is to morph your trial from the utter triviality of FizzBuzz into something that benefits humanity and appears to satisfy your addiction at the same time. Simply ask anyone that you would like to grok from a prgramming point of view to construct some potentially useful code and upload it to github with a MIT License. The catch for you is that you must obligate yourself to partner with this person by filing issue requests and really actually using the code in your organization. We all benefit. A human being can provide a tiny useful creation and hopefully not feel degraded in the process. You have made the transition from confrontation to cooperation. Congrats.
- Microsoft UWP Community Toolkit
- WasLibs
- Composition and composition surface factory and Composition Pro Toolkit
- Win2D
Exploring the mystery of the FizzBuzz Meme and that the Horrors might be in the testers themselves
The idea in germination here is to produce a UWP Demo that challenges the underlying FizzBuzz social assumptions and the cold stark inherent lack of conversation that FizzBuzz culture introduces to an already non-inclusive profession.
Feedback, comments, code, ideas, brainstorming, discussion, etc all very welcome via any channel. Open an "issue" just to say hello
- What type of organization would ask members or prospective members to take the FizzBuzz test?
- make a fictional company such as: "World Wide Dilbertian Associates Inc" like this company
- The surface objective of FizzBuzz is to present a simple programming test example that any competent programmer can produce in order to eliminate (as the theory goes) programmers that can't program. Given that the time and effort to administer and evaluate the test exceeds the 5 mins of actually talking to a human being, the entire concept is suspiciously rooted in the pseudo-academic replaceable widgets cogs in the machine culture endemic to all school systems in the Western World. Therefore the underlying social force that drives this monoculture elitist first world thinking must be the actual main objective even if the testing organization is unaware of the poison lurking within.
- Promote your organization as focusing on the trivial
- Ensure all organization members are demoralized by the asymetric power relationship
- Communicate that creativity is not a desirable attribute
- point out the inherent absurdity of FizzBuzz through a "Spinal Tap" type of parody
- educate organizations that 1970's social research "The Medium is the Message" is still valid today
- although I personally think efforts like "Hour of Code" are based on false assumptions, mocking people with FizzBuzz is logically opposed to encouraging people to adopt programming
- there is a known psychological condition known as "Performance Anxiety" but of course in the usual context of evaluation potential organization members, FizzBuzz is just icing on top of the Horror Cake that is a typical selection process
- testing anything at all inevitably leads to selection based on testing which to the clueless seems like a desired outcome but in the end your are mostly selecting for ability to navigate artificial tests!
- similar to the problem of "testing selection" there is the meta result of "Mono Culture" in an organization. This is why Google has dropped its mythically famous programmer testing which they found (rather obviously IMO) that they ended up with excellent test takers and identical thinkers all talented to a huge degree in those areas but not contributing to the diversity and progress of the organizaton.
- add your ideas