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DWN Server

Exposes a multi-tenanted DWN (aka Decentralized Web Node) through a JSON-RPC API over http: and ws:

Running the server via docker

docker run -p 3000:3000 -v myvolume:/dwn-server/data

This can run on services like AWS, GCP, VPS, home server (with ngrok or cloudflare),, etc. Ideally the volume is persistent so that data is kept (or has to be synced back from another DWN instance).

Running a specific version

Running the command above will run the latest version at the time the image is pulled. If you need to run a specific version (and in many cases this is recommended) you can see the list published images here:

To run a specific image: docker pull

Running Locally for Development

git clone
cd dwn-server
npm install
npm run server

Building a docker image locally

A docker image is continuously published from this repository, but if you want to build it locally run: docker build -t dwn-server .


JSON-RPC is a lightweight remote procedure call (RPC) protocol that uses JSON as a data format for exchanging information between a client and a server over a network. JSON-RPC is language-independent and transport-agnostic which makes it usable in a variety of contexts (e.g. browser, server-side)

With JSON-RPC, a client sends a request message to a server over a network, and the server responds with a response message.

The request message consists of:

  • a method name (method)
  • a set of parameters (params)
  • an identifier (id).

The response message contains:

  • the same identifier that was sent with the request message (id)
  • the result of the method invocation (result)
  • an error message if the method invocation failed (error)

Available Methods


Used to send DWeb Messages to the server.


Property Required (Y/N) Description
target Y The DID that the message is intended for
message Y The DWeb Message
encodedData N Data associated to the message (e.g. data associated to a RecordsWrite)

Example Request Message

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "b23f9e31-4966-4972-8048-af3eed43cb41",
  "method": "dwn.processMessage",
  "params": {
    "message": {
      "recordId": "bafyreidtix6ghjmsbg7eitexsmwzvjxc7aelagsqasybmql7zrms34ju6i",
      "descriptor": {
        "interface": "Records",
        "method": "Write",
        "dataCid": "bafkreidnfo6aux5qbg3wwzy5hvwexnoyhk3q3v47znka2afa6mf2rffkbi",
        "dataSize": 32,
        "dateCreated": "2023-04-30T22:49:37.713976Z",
        "dateModified": "2023-04-30T22:49:37.713976Z",
        "dataFormat": "application/json"
      "authorization": {
        "payload": "eyJyZWNvcmRJZCI6ImJhZnlyZWlkdGl4Nmdoam1zYmc3ZWl0ZXhzbXd6dmp4YzdhZWxhZ3NxYXN5Ym1xbDd6cm1zMzRqdTZpIiwiZGVzY3JpcHRvckNpZCI6ImJhZnlyZWlheTVwNWZ1bzJhc2hqZXRvbzR1M3p1b282dW02cGlzNHl5NnUzaHE1emxsdmZhN2ZubXY0In0",
        "signatures": [
            "protected": "eyJhbGciOiJFZERTQSIsImtpZCI6ImRpZDprZXk6ejZNa3UxaDRMZGtoWFczSG5uQktBTnhnVWFRMTYyY3ZXbVJ1emNiZDJZZThWc3RaI2RpZDprZXk6ejZNa3UxaDRMZGtoWFczSG5uQktBTnhnVWFRMTYyY3ZXbVJ1emNiZDJZZThWc3RaI3o2TWt1MWg0TGRraFhXM0hubkJLQU54Z1VhUTE2MmN2V21SdXpjYmQyWWU4VnN0WiJ9",
            "signature": "cy_RtWjjVK2mmKkI_35qiv54_1Pp_f7SjAx0z75PBL4th-fgfjuLZmF-V3czCWwFYMMnN0W4zl3LJ2jEf_t9DQ"
    "target": "did:key:z6Mku1h4LdkhXW3HnnBKANxgUaQ162cvWmRuzcbd2Ye8VstZ",
    "encodedData": "ub3-FwUsSs4GgZWqt5eXSH41RKlwCx41y3dgio9Di74"

Example Success Response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "18eb421f-4750-4e31-a062-412b71139546",
  "result": {
    "reply": {
      "status": {
        "code": 202,
        "detail": "Accepted"

Example Error Response

  "jsonrpc": "2.0",
  "id": "1c7f6ed8-eaaf-447c-aaf3-b9e61f3f59af",
  "error": {
    "code": -50400,
    "message": "Unexpected token ';', \";;;;@!#@!$$#!@%\" is not valid JSON"

Transporting large amounts of data

RecordsWrite data can be of any size. If needed, large amounts of data can be streamed to the server over http by:

  • including the JSON-RPC request message in a dwn-request request header
  • setting the content-type request header to application/octet-stream
  • sending binary data in the request body.

💡 Examples can be found in the examples directory.

Receiving large amounts of data

RecordsWrite data can be of any size. RecordsWrite messages returned as the result of a RecordsQuery will include encodedData if the RecordsWrite data is under 9.77KB. Data larger than this will need to be fetched using RecordsRead which can be done over http. The response to a RecordsRead includes:

  • The JSON-RPC response message in a dwn-response header
  • The associated data as binary in the response body.

Examples can be found in the examples directory.

💡 TODO: Add examples in examples directory

Hosting your own DWN-server

By default when you call web5.connect() there will be some bootstrap DWN nodes included which allow people to reach you via your DID.

You may want to run a DWN server just for you, or as a public service for you and your friends and family. DWNs can be as simple as a docker image or a node process running somewhere.

DWN-servers can run anywhere you can run node.js or docker. http and websocket need to be available to the DWN server. See below for some suggestions.

Running on

You can run an instance on the service:

  • Create a account
  • Fork this repo
  • Upgrade your account to a paid account
  • Create a new "Web service" type application
  • Choose the forked repo to run (or you can point to to the main repo)
  • Choose the "starter" size instance
  • Create a 1GB (or larger) disk, and mount it on /dwn-server/data

Running with ngrok

You can run a DWN-server on your local machine or home server and expose it to the internet using ngrok.

First, install ngrok:

Then run:

docker run -p 3000:3000 -v myvolume:/dwn-server/data

## in another terminal: 
ngrok http 3000

Note the resulting publicly addressable https url for your DWN instance.

Running with cloudflared

Cloudflare has a tunnel service that you can use to expose your DWN server to the internet, if you run it on a server at home. With installed, run the following commands:

git clone
cd dwn-server
npm install
npm run server

## in another terminal:

cloudflared tunnel --url http://localhost:3000

Running on GCP

... check back soon ... (enterprising people I am sure can work it out)


Configuration can be set using environment variables

Env Var Description Default
DS_PORT Port that the server listens on 3000
DS_MAX_RECORD_DATA_SIZE maximum size for RecordsWrite data. use b, kb, mb, gb for value 1gb
DS_WEBSOCKET_SERVER whether to enable listening over ws:. values: on,off on