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Publishing a blog post

Greg Boone edited this page Apr 27, 2017 · 10 revisions

This page describes how to format and publish a blog post on It does not describe the editorial process, which can be found in the blog drafts repository and assumes you have a post in Google Drive that is scheduled for publication.

This page also assumes:

  • You have cloned the repository from GitHub
  • You have GitHub Desktop installed or are comfortable using Git from the Terminal. This process does not require using the Terminal.

Step 0: Install Pandoc and the Finder service

Pandoc is a document conversion program. It can take input file formats like docx, and odt and turn them into other kinds of files like markdown, and html.

  1. If you don't have it already, download Pandoc here and run the installer .pkg file.
  2. Once you have Pandoc installed, download this workflow application and double click to install it.
  3. When you see this screen, choose Install.

Choose "Install" on the confirmation screen.

Step 1: Reformat the links in Google Docs

To save yourself time later, reformat all the links in the Google Doc so that none of them are highlighted. You can do this by selecting all the text and hitting the "underline" button twice in the editor. After the first click, you'll see all the text underlined, then after the second click none of the text will be highlighted.

What to watch out for at this step:

If, for some reason, the author decided to underline things other than links in the document, that formatting will be lost.

Step 2: Download the post as a Microsoft Word (docx) file

Pandoc converts Google Docs best when they're downloaded as Microsoft Word files. You should be able to open the downloaded file on your Mac but you may want to download a copy of LibreOffice or Microsoft Office for any final edits you may need to make. There are instructions in the handbook for getting a copy of Microsoft Office.

  1. Open the blog post in Google Docs
  2. Click "File" and hover your mouse over "Download As"
  3. Choose "Microsoft Word (docx)"

What to watch out for at this step:

The file will be downloaded in the default location according to your browser's settings.

Step 3: Create a new branch on your clone

If you haven't "cloned" the 18F site repository yet, you should do that now. You can read GitHub's documentation on how to clone a repo or click this link to clone with GitHub Desktop

GitHub Desktop users

  1. Switch to the master branch
  2. Click the "sync" button
  3. Click the "Add a branch" button
  4. Give the branch a unique name and click the "Create branch" button

New branch

Terminal users

  1. Run git checkout master
  2. Run git pull
  3. Run git checkout -b new-blog-post

Step 4: Copy the frontmatter into the markdown file

In your word processor (Word or LibreOffice)

  1. Open the docx of the blog post on your Mac
  2. Select the frontmatter (all of it from the first --- to the last ---) and cut it (command+x)

The frontmatter of a sample blog post selected in LibreOffice

In GitHub Desktop

  1. Right click on your clone in the left sidebar
  2. Choose "Open in Atom"

The open in Atom dialog in GitHub Desktop

In Atom

  1. Create a new file (command + N or File -> New File in the menu)

  2. Paste (command + V or Edit -> Paste)

  3. Save (command + S or File -> Save)

    For the filename, use today's date in yyyy-mm-dd format plus the post title in lowercase, with spaces replaced by dashes. For example

  4. Enter the filename and click Save

Save dialog in atom

Back in your word processor

  1. Save the original blog post docx file and quit

Check your work

Now you should have a new file with the name in your _posts directory with the frontmatter you cut from the original file inside it. At the end, the original file should contain only the text of the post.

Step 5: Convert the blog post to markdown

  1. Open the Finder and locate the downloaded docx file
  2. Right click the docx file and choose "convert2markdown" under the "Services menu"

the convert2markdown item in the services menu

In Atom

  1. Open the markdown file you just saved

  2. Paste (command + V or Edit -> Paste)

    If all goes well, you should be looking at the markdown version of your blog post. To preview the content of the post type, control + shift + M. This will pull up your post in a preview pane beside the markdown.

  3. Save (command + S)

Step 6: Check for errors

Sometimes the blog post comes out perfectly but often there are small problems that happen in the conversion process. If people use bold text for section headings instead of Heading 1 or Heading 2, for example, you'll have to fix every section heading. Multi-line bulleted and numbered lists also often have problems. [Here is a full list of problems you might encounter in your conversion.]

(PS: This is why you removed all the underlines from your links in step 1.)

Step 7: Add images, blog components, and update post front matter

There is an example blog post that contains examples of common patterns seen on blog posts, as well as required and optional front matter that populates a post.

More documentation is available in the style guide.

Step 8: Push your changes

Once you're ready to publish your changes, commit them to Git and push them to GitHub.

GitHub Desktop users

  1. Make sure all the files you changed show up in the application's middle column

GitHub Desktop with

  1. Make sure all the files you want to publish are checked. Write a brief message in the text boxes and click "Commit to branch" (where branch is the name you chose in step 3).

Write a commit message

  1. Click the publish button to send your blog post to GitHub.

Publish button

  1. Click the "Pull Request" button to create a pull request.

Terminal users

  1. Run git add _posts/
  2. Run git commit -m "First draft of a blog post"
  3. Run git push origin new-blog-post

In the first step, make sure is the same as the file name you used in steps 4 and 5. In the second step, you can put whatever you want in between the " marks. In the final command, make sure new-blog-post is the same as the branch name you created in step 3.

Things to watch out for at this step:

If the final git push command fails, ask for help in the #git channel on Slack.