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RVCE 4th Sem Lab Programs DAA OOPS


# Problem statement Program
1 Create a Java class called Complex with the following details as member variables within it. (i) Real (ii) Imaginary Develop a Java program to perform addition and subtraction of two complex numbers by using the method add() and subtract( ) respectively, by passing object as parameter and display result using method display(). Initialize the real and imaginary values of the complex number using parameterized constructor. Alsodemonstrate overloading constructors and methods. Program
2 Design an Address class with member variables Street num, city, state and country and appropriate constructor. Design a Student class with constructor (Student (String USN, String Name, Address addr)), College class with constructor (College (String Name, Address addr)) and Employee class with constructor (Employee (String EmpID, String Name, Address addr)). Write a Java program to create ‘n’ Student objects, College Objects and Employee objects and print the student, college and employee addresses respectively and demonstrate passing of object as a parameter to the constructor. Program
3 Design a base class Circle with member variables (radius and color) of type double, methods (getRadius(), getArea()) and constructors (Circle(radius), Circle(radius, color)). Derive subclass called Cylinder from the superclass Circle with member variable (height) of type double, public methods (getHeight(), getVolume(), getArea()) and its constructors(Cylinder(height, radius), Cylinder(height, radius,color)). Create the two instances of cylinder and print similar cylinders if the area, volume and color of cylinders are same. Demonstrate the code reuse and polymorphism properties of Object oriented programming by inheriting the constructors and methods of the base class. Program
4 Create a class Thirdsem. Put this class into a package called CSE. Define a method Welcomemsg which prints a line “Welcome to CSE dept- 3rd sem young budding Engineers”. Create a class Cse_dept. Put this class into a package called RVCE. Inherit the class Thirdsem in CSE package to Cse_dept class in RVCE package and call Welcomemsg method to display welcome message and also verify Public method Overriding, Private method overriding and default method overriding from different packages in java with the same program Program
5 Create two classes called Lion and Snake that implements all the methods defined in an interface Animal. Declare eat() and sound() methods in Animal interface and display eating habits and sound made by that particular animal respectively. Create an interface called Tired Animal. In Tired Animal interface add method definition to an existing interface by extending Animal interface to verify Extending Interface concept in java. Note: Lion and Snake implement the required eat( ) method and has some of its own methods and instance variables Program
6 Design and implement a Java program for the following requirements: a) An Exception class called Demonetization Exception which returns the statement that says “Deposit of Old currency of (Rs_____) crosses Rs. 5,000 and cannot be Deposited”. b) A class called ‘Account’ that creates account with 500 Rs minimum balance with following methods. i. deposit(amount, currencyType) method to deposit amount. This class should handle “Demonetization Exception” and print the message defined in this Exception class. If a currency type is “OLD” and the amount is greater than 5,000 then throw the Demonetization Exception, otherwise update the balance. ii. currBalance() method that displays balance amount in the account. iii. withdraw(amount) method to withdraw amount and update the balance. Use proper control structure to check Balance should not go less than 500. c) A ‘Customer’ class that creates Account object and call the methods deposit(), withdraw() and currBalance() based on the user choice. Program
7 Design and develop a Java program for the fruit market problem. The farmer will be able to produce different types of fruits (apple, orange, grape, and watermelon), and put them in the market to sell. The market has limited capacity and farmers have to stand in a queue if the capacity is exceeded to sell their fruits. Consumers can come to the market any time and purchase their desired fruits; and if the fruits they want to buy runs out, they are willing to wait until the supply of that kind is ready. Examine and formulate an approach to address this problem and implement the same using Javaconstructs for programming. Program
8 Write the following methods that return a lambda expression performing a specified action: i. Perform Operation isOdd(): The lambda expression must return true if a number is odd or false if it is even. ii. Perform Operation isPrime(): The lambda expression must return true if a number is prime or false if it is composite. iii. Perform Operation isPalindrome(): The lambda expression must return true if a number is a palindrome or false if it is not. Write a JAVA program using above lambda expressions to take 2 integers as input where the first integer specifies the condition to check for (case 1 for Odd/Even, case 2 for Prime/Composite, or case 3 for Palindrome). The second integer denotes the number to be checked. Program
9 Write a Java program to create a new array list, add some colors (string) and perform the following operations: (i) Add elements of List to ArrayList (ii) Copy ArrayList to Array (iii) Reverse ArrayList content (iv) Get Sub list from an ArrayList. (v) To sort a given ArrayList (vi) Clone an ArrayList to another ArrayList Program
10 i. Write a Java program to find the penultimate (next to last) word of a sentence. ii. Write program to replace a string "python" with "java" and "java" with "python" in a given string.iii. Write a program that splits a string into a number of with the help of string split () method and then prints the substrings. Program

Infosys headstart course answers -> PDF


# Problem statement Program
1 Merge Sort Program 1
2 Quick Sort Program 2
3 Breadth First Search Program 3
4 Depth First Search Program 4
5 Heap Sort Program 5
6 Pattern Matching Program 6
7 Knapsack Problem Program 7
8 Program 8
9 Dijkstara's Algorithm Program 9
10 Subset Sum Problem Program 10
11 N-Queens Problem Program 11


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