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Individual activities by period
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Set theme jekyll-theme-cayman Set theme
- Write README to overview this project 'Write README'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Found project named "TheAlgorithms/Java"
- Helped select project to fork "TheAlgorithms"
- Wrote some parts of readme of whole project
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Wrote Wiki page with contributors' information and project source
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Select the project and utilize the project "TheAlgorithms/C" 'Utilize the project'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Found some parts we can contribute (exercism folder, ProjectEuler folder, sorting folder, searching folder)
- Started writing Gomoku('오목' in Korean) program for exercism
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Find radix sorting algorithm
- Wrote radix sorting program and added directly to master branch
- Made a problem when push in Git Bash
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Re-uploaded radix sorting code using master branch, but not using Git Bash 'radix sorting 1.0.1'
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed 'BubbleSort', improved the efficiency and fixed the errors.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Recopy our project from The Algorithm. 'copy project'
- Add our team information and project explanation in main README.me.
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Revised radix sorting code
- Added dynamic allocation and a function implements finding local minimum.
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Updated radix sorting code to a 1.0.3 version
- Solved ArrayIndexOutOfBounds problem by changing some values in for statement.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write code which convert number N base to M base. 'Create NtoM.c'
이정우(LEE Jeongwoo) 'jeongwoo25'
- Reviewed 'SelectionSort', improved the readability, the efficiency, and fixed the allocation error.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Add main code in NtoM.c 'Update NtoM.c'
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Update NtoM.c to see easily 'Update NtoM.c'
- Create DynamicStack.c 'Create DynamicStack.c'
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) 'jeongwoo25'
- Reviewed 'Decimal_to_binary' and added the case of negative number.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Edit some part of code to remove error. 'Update NtoM.c'
- Write basic double linked list code. 'Create Double_list.c'
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create basic DynamicQueue.c 'Create DynamicQueue.c'
- Update hash.c to remove error 'Update hash.c'
- Update DynamicQueue.c to remove error 'Update DynamicQueue.c'
- Create UnderstandingHashTable.c 'Create UnderstandingHashTable.c'
- Update hello_world.c to see easily 'Update Hello_world.c'
- Create PancakeSort.c 'Create PancakeSort.c'
- Update binary_insertion_sort.c to make delay time shortly 'Update binary_insertion_sort.c'
- Create MergeSortforLinkedLists.c 'Create MergeSortforLinkedLists.c'
- Update MergeSortforLinkedLists.c to see easily 'Update MergeSortforLinkedLists.c'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created bulls_and_cows('숫자야구' in Koran) codes 'bulls_and_cows 1.0.0'
- Updated bulls_and_cows two times by changing function return type, changing initial variable value, respectively.
- Created readme file in each project files for the first visitors
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) 'jeongwoo25'
- Reviewed 'QuickSort_DoubleLinkedList' and edit the code from C++ version to C version.
- Created 'QuickSort_DoubleLinkedList'.c file in sorting folder.
- Created 'QuickSort_SingleLinkedList'.c file in sorting folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Add main code in Double_list.c 'Update Double_list.c'
- Write basic circular list code.'Create Circular_List.c'
- Add double linked list and circular list on index of data structure README.md.
- Improve readability of Circular_list.c. 'Update Circular_List.c'
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Update Binary_Search.c to improve the main.c 'Update Binary_Search.c'
- Create BFS.c 'Create BFS.c'
- Create DFS.c 'Create DFS.c'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 1st solution for Problem 7 in ProjectEuler 'Problem7_solution1'
- Created 1st solution for Problem 6 in ProjectEuler 'Problem6_soultion1'
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed 'MergeSort' and improved the user interface and code readability.
- Reviewed 'SingleLinkedList_Operations', improved the output form and fixed the nullptr errors.
- Reviewed 'Mean', improved the correctness of the result and fixed the errors in swap process.
- Created 'QuickSort_Iterative'.c file in sorting folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write function to find height in tree. 'Create Find_height.c'
- Write basic create and delete graph code. 'Create baseGraph.c'
- Write add node code for graph. 'Update baseGraph.c'
- Add NtoM and baseGraph in index of main README.md.
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create LICENSE to protect our codes 'Create LICENSE'
- Create UnionFind.c 'Create UnionFind.c'
- Pull-request to original Open Source Algorithms/c to check our codes are effective 'Pull-request on Algorithms/c'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 2nd solution for Problem 5 in ProjectEuler 'Problem5_solution2'
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed 'Variance', fixed some errors in swap process and improved the user interface.
- Created 'GnomeSort'.c file in sorting folder.
- Created 'InsertionSort_Recursive'.c file in sorting folder.
- Created 'BitonicSort'.c file in sorting folder.
- Created 'TimSort'.c file in sorting folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write clear list code. 'Update Circular_List.c'
- Write print graph code.Update baseGraph.c'
- Improve readability of baseGraph.c
- Update index of README.md in data structure folder.
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- check the README and revise it 'check the README and revise it'
- Create Boruvka'sAlgorithm 'Create Boruvka'sAlgorithm'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 1st solution for problem 4 in ProjectEuler 'Problem4_solution1'
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Add some condition to prevent error. 'Update NtoM.c'
- Improve readability in Find_height.c. 'Update Find_height.c'
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create README.md 'Create README.md'
- Delete decimal_to_binary.c 'Delete decimal_to_binary.c'
- Create README.md 'Create README.md'
- Create README.md 'Create README.md'
- Create README.md 'Create README.md'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 2nd solution for Problem7 in ProjectEuler 'Problem7_solution2'
- Created 1st solution for Problem5 in ProjectEuler 'Problem5_solution1'
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write threaded binary tree code. 'Create Threaded_binary_tree.c'
- Delete some part of code in Double_list.c to prevent error. 'Update Doublr_list.c'
- Write enqueue and dequeue function in DynamicQueue.c 'Update DynamicQueue.c'
- Add stdlib.h in DynamicStack.c 'Update DynamicStack.c'
- Write isEmpty function in queue.c 'Update queue.c'
- Edit some part of code in Find_height.c to prevent error. 'Update Find_height.c'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Updated 1st solution for Problem7 in ProjectEuler
- Included math header file to use sqrt function
- Added multiplyPrimes, lastCalculation function
- Updated 1st solution for Problem5 in ProjectEuler
- Changed return type of primesLessThanN
- Completed multiplyPrimes algorithms
- Added lastCalculation function
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed 'Median', improved the result value and user interface and fixed the errors in allocation and sorting process.
- Reviewed 'LinearSearch', fixed allocation errors in array and made the output form clear.
- Reviewed 'Binarys', made the user interface better and split the BinarySearch from the main function to make the code easy.
- Reviewed 'Recursive_traversals' and edit the return type of the functions.
- Created 'TreeSort'.c file in sorting folder.
- Created 'Dijkstra_example'.c file in data_structures\graphs folder.
- Created 'GCD_BruteForce'.c file in misc folder.
- Created 'GCD_BruteForce+'.c file in misc folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write peek function in queue.c 'Update queue.c'
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Overview of this Project to get effective working 'Overview of this Project'
- Progress of this Project to get effective working 'Progress of this Project'
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Updated 1st solution for Problem 7 in ProjectEuler
- Since I made mistake of applying solution for problem 5, I got back that code
- Binded some codes in ProjectEuler by renaming those files' name
- Created 5 java files(Grille, Morpion, Morpionjava, TimeFactor, Victoire) for Gomoku algorithm
- 'Grille.java' 'Morpion.java' 'Morpionjava.java' 'TimeFactor.java' 'Victoire.java'
- Updated 1st solution for Problem4 in ProjectEuler
- Changed return type of findPalindromicNum function
- Completed main algorithms
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Reviewed 'BFS' and invert the code from C++ version to C version.
- Reviewed 'DFS' and invert the code from C++ version to C version.
- Created 'AVL Tree'.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created 'Merge two balanced BST'.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created 'SplayTree_Search'.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created 'SplayTree_Insert'.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created 'Diameter of BST'.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
- Created 'Diameter of BST_efficient'.c file in data_structures\binary_trees folder.
이지우(Lee Jiwoo) LJW25
- Write Left-leaning red black tree. 'Create Left-leaning red black tree'
- Delete queue.c becasue of duplication. 'Delete queue.c'
- Delete stack.c because of duplication. 'Delete stack.c'
- Write function that find max number and min number in array. 'Create Max_Min.c'
- Write code which can make hemisphere and print it. 'Create Hemisphere.c'
- Write code which can manage a employee list. 'Create Wildcard.c'
- Add data file for Wildcard.c code. 'Create data.txt'
박동찬(Park DongChan) ParkDongChan
- Create Rabin-Karp Algorithm 'Create Rabin-Karp Algorithm'
- Create FiniteAutomata 'Create FiniteAutomata'
- Create FloydWarshall 'Create FloydWarshall'
- Update Floyd-Warshall.c to see easily 'Update Floyd-Warshall.c'
- Delete Floyd-Warshall.c to get effective overview 'Delete Floyd-Warshall.c'
- Create HamiltonianCycle 'Create HamiltonianCycle'
- Create HuffmanCoding 'HuffmanCoding'
이정우(Lee Jeongwoo) jeongwoo25
- Created 'Length_List'.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created 'ReverseSearch_List'.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created 'FindMiddle_List'.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created 'Reversing_List'.c file in data_structures\linked_list folder.
- Created 'Reversing_Stack'.c file in data_structures\stack folder.
조민규(Jo Mingyu) redjo99
- Created 2nd solution for Problem 4 in ProjectEuler 'Problem4_solution2'