A riichi mahjong hand calculator and interactive compass.
Also includes a reference for yaku and scoring.
- Works on desktop and mobile!
- Offline-usable progressive web app.
- Theme (light and dark) switcher.
- Interactive meld creation
- Disallow invalid hands
- Sanma score distributions
- Han and fu calculator
- House rules configuration
- Pao points distribution
- Zero or three red fives
- Optional and local yaku
- Other scoring variations
- Automatic score transfers with calculator
- Riichi sticks and repeat sticks
- Exhaustive and abortive draws
- Sanma compass
- Tile reference
- Yaku reference with examples and filters
- Scoring table and scoring formula
- Language switcher (English, English w/ Romaji, Japanese, other?).
- Tracking multiple games?
- Game history?