Welcome to Livermore, This is my attempt to get into AI in ways that I enjoy, meaning having a goal in mind and falling over every step on the way; hopefully learning something while during it. In Livermore's case I will try to fetch stock information and then use an AI to trade day to day stock prices. Named after the stock broker Jessie Livermore, the inspiration for "Reminicense of a Stock Operator", the author of "How to trade in stocks", and the Great Grandfather of adult film actess Brandi Love.
Livermore is structured in two git submodules, Livermore-fetch will fetch and process the data, and Livermore-Analyze is my AI and gym environment.
Annoyingly I decided to write these two projects in two languages.
Fetch is written in Rust using both polars and the yahoo-finance-api crate. This is because I am actively learning rust and it would be a shame to stop that tend now.
Analyse is written in Python using Stable baselines3 and gymnasium.