A module for managing cassandra (http://cassandra.apache.org/) communication inside of Kohana (v3.0+). It is very similar to ORM in how it is constructed.
Move config/cdm.php to your application config directory and modify.
Example of a model:
class Model_User extends CDM {
protected $_column_family = 'Users';
protected $_is_supercolumn = TRUE;
protected $_object = array
'firstname' => NULL,
'lastname' => NULL,
There are some differences in CDM in comparison to ORM that cannot change due to the actual purpose of a non-relational structure (NoSQL) versus relational (MySQL). In light of that, here are some new methods:
// Getting a single user
$key = 21837191; // User "primary key" if you will
$user = CDM::factory('user')->get($key);
// Getting multiple users:
$keys = array( 1, 2, 3 ); // User's primary keys
$users = CDM::factory('user')->get($keys);
// Setting and updating data for user 1
$user = CDM::factory('user', 1);
'firstname' => 'Jonathan',
'lastname' => 'Reyes',