RedSnake (RSNK) is an ERC20 token implemented using OpenZeppelin's ERC20 standard. The token has a total supply of 8,888,888,888 RSNK with 18 decimals.
Deployed Contract Address:
Network: RedBelly Mainnet
- Token Name: Red Snake
- Token Symbol: RSNK
- Total Supply: 8,888,888,888 RSNK
- Decimals: 18
- Solidity Version: 0.8.28
: Contains the Solidity smart contract.scripts/
: Deployment scripts.test/
: Test files.hardhat.config.ts
: Hardhat configuration file.
- OpenZeppelin Contracts: Built using battle-tested contracts.
- Comprehensive Test Coverage: Ensures reliability.
- Latest Solidity Version: Utilizes security benefits.
- Standard ERC20 functionality: Ensures compatibility with Ethereum wallets and exchanges.
- Fixed total supply: 8,888,888,888 RSNK.
- 18 decimal places: For precise transactions.
- Security and reliability: Built with OpenZeppelin contracts.
- Node.js: v14+ recommended.
- Package Manager: npm or yarn.
- EVM RPC URL: Required for deployment.
- Etherscan API Key: For contract verification.
Clone the repository:
git clone cd Red-Snake-RSNK
Install dependencies:
npm install
- Create a
file in the root directory with the following variables:PRIVATE_KEY=your_wallet_private_key TESTNET_RPC_URL=your_testnet_rpc_url MAINNET_RPC_URL=your_mainnet_rpc_url ETHERSCAN_API_KEY=your_etherscan_api_key
The project includes comprehensive tests for deployment and transaction scenarios.
Run tests:
npx hardhat test
Run tests with coverage report:
npx hardhat coverage
To deploy on a local Hardhat network:
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
To deploy on a testnet (e.g., Sepolia):
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network testnet
To deploy on the Ethereum mainnet:
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network mainnet
After deployment, verify your contract on Etherscan:
npx hardhat verify --network <network> <deployed_contract_address> <constructor_arguments>
This project is licensed under the BUSL-1.1 License.