File Templates Manager for VSCode allows you to manage your file templates and generate files from them.
File Template Manager is powerful extension with following features that improve your productivity and do routine work for you.
{{ }}
- evaluation{{= }}
- interpolation{{! }}
- interpolation with encoding{{# }}
- compile-time evaluation/includes and partials{{## #}}
- compile-time defines{{? }}
- conditionals{{~ }}
- array iteration
Full Documentation of doT
template engine
Variables available by default
- directory of created fileNAME
- name from input promptFILE
+ template extensionFILE_PATH
- name of userDATE
- date of file creation
Evaluation and interpolation example for HTML
{{ for(let i = 0; i < 10; i++ ) }}
<div>Item {{=i}}</div>
result is
<div>Item 0</div>
<div>Item 1</div>
<div>Item 2</div>
<div>Item 3</div>
<div>Item 4</div>
<div>Item 5</div>
<div>Item 6</div>
<div>Item 7</div>
<div>Item 8</div>
<div>Item 9</div>
Select prompt example for C#
language file
using System;
{{'TYPE', 'Select file type', ['class','interface','struct','enum'])}}
{{=$.NAME}} {{=$.TYPE}}
public {{=$.TYPE}} {{=$.NAME}}
you will see a prompt
and get result for class
using System;
CSharp class
public class CSharp {
example file
{{'MODULE', 'Specify module code generation', ['none','commonjs','amd','system','umd','es6','es2015','esnext'])}}
{{'TARGET', 'Specify ECMAScript target version', ['es3','es6','es2016','es2017','esnext'])}}
{{#def.confirm('SOURCE_MAP', 'Should generate corresponding .map file?')}}
"compilerOptions": {
"module": "{{=$.MODULE}}",
"target": "{{=$.TARGET}}",
"sourceMap": {{=$.SOURCE_MAP}}
"exclude": [
This extension contributes the following settings:
: show/hide templates explorertemplates.customVars
: you can define custom variables like AUTHOR, LICENSE, PROJECT and etc
The MIT License Copyright (c) 2019 Ivan Zakharchanka