Self-Driving Car Engineer Nanodegree Program
- This is the 2nd project in term 2 of Udacity self-driving cars nano-degree. It implements UKF in C++ to track a bicycle given lidar and radar sensors
- UKF is an alternative technique to normal or extended KFs. It deals with non-linear process and measurement models … instead of linearizing non-linear equations, it uses sigma points to approximate probability distribution.
- Advantages: - Better approximation of non-linear motion - More efficient (no Jacobian matrix calculation)
- cmake >= 3.5
- Used installer: cmake-3.7.2-win64-x64.msi
- make >= 4.1
- Used installer: make-3.81.exe
- gcc/g++ >= 5.4
- Used installer: mingw-get-setup.exe
Once you have this repository on your machine, cd
into the repository's root directory and run the following commands from the command line:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make
UnscentedKF (path_to_input).txt (path_to_output).txt
- eg. `UnscentedKF ../data/obj_pose-laser-radar-synthetic-input.txt output.txt`
If you encounter any problems, copy "vcvars32.bat" to build directory and run the command
to set environment variables
If make command does not work try:
cmake .. -G "Unix Makefiles" && make
You can find some sample inputs in 'data/'.
For each measurement in the file
If this is the first measurement
If it is from Radar
Convert from polar coordinates to cartesian coordinates
End If
Initialize measurements
If current timestamp is different from previous timestamp
Predict the current state
End If
Update based on sensor type
End If
End For
Using combined sensors (use_laser_ = true and use_radar_ = true):
- RMSE (px, py, vx, and vy) = 0.078 - 0.085 - 0.215 - 0.268
Using only laser (use_laser_ = true and use_radar_ = false):
- RMSE (px, py, vx, and vy) = 0.170 - 0.145 - 0.269 - 0.333
Using only radar (use_laser_ = false and use_radar_ = true):
- RMSE (px, py, vx, and vy) = 0.228 - 0.341 - 0.550 - 1.002
Using extended Kalman filter:
- RMSE (px, py, vx, and vy) = 0.140 - 0.666 - 0.604 - 1.624
NIS values were within the expected range (0.35 and 7.81)
Log files are stored in the folder (output)