This was my Computer Architecture project. I found some similar projects on online. But it felt complex to me. That is why I combine hard and easy and made a doable project. I included my all project file. if read the project report you will easily get the idea how the circuit and code is working. also Presentaion will help you a lot. i tried to make presentation as visual as possible so anyone can understand easily
- Proteus
- Keil
- AutoDoor.pdsprj -> Schametics Proteus file.
- AutoDoor.c -> code inside the microcontroller.
- AutoDoor.pptx -> Presentation file.
- AutoDoor.pdf -> Project report.
- You have to import this library in proteus. PIR Sensor
- Learn basic about PIR sensor. And how to use it in proteus How to use PIR sensor in Proteus and application