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46cl - Custom Fields

Upload box

Outputs an upload button which uses the media modal:

 * @param  {string} $name    The name of the input
 * @param  {array}  $data    The data
 * @param  {array}  $options An array of options
function upload($name, $data, $options = array())

Usage example:

    get_post_meta($post->ID, 'my_upload_file', true),

         * Defines the text used for the button.
         * Defaults to: "Ajouter une image"
        'label' => 'Add a new file',

         * Defines if the modal should be automatically opened on box
         * addition. This is effective only when used in sequential boxes.
         * Defaults to: false
        'openModalOnAddition' => true,


Post box

Outputs a field allowing to select a post with the modal used by the editor when adding a new link in the content:

 * @param  {string} $name    The name of the input
 * @param  {array}  $data    The data
 * @param  {array}  $options An array of options
function post($name, $data, $options = array())

Usage example:

    get_post_meta($post->ID, 'my_linked_post', true),

         * Defines the text used for the label and the modal title.
         * Defaults to: "Ajouter une image"
        'label' => 'Add a new file',

         * Defines if the modal should be automatically opened on box
         * addition. This is effective only when used in sequential boxes.
         * Defaults to: false
        'openModalOnAddition' => true,

         * Should we hide the label?
         * Defaults to: false
        'hideLabel' => true,


Color box

Outputs a component used to choose a color:

 * @param  {string} $name    The name of the input
 * @param  {array}  $data    The data
 * @param  {array}  $options An array of options
function post($name, $data, $options = array())

Usage example:

    get_post_meta($post->ID, 'my_color', true),

         * Defines the text used for the label.
         * Defaults to: "Sélectionner une couleur"
        'label' => 'Add a new color',

         * Defines what format(s) you want to output. You can provide a single
         * format as a string or multiple formats as an array of strings. The
         * available formats are the ones listed for the `colorFormat` option in
         * jQuery.Colorpicker's documentation.
         * This option is useful when you want to get a structured object containing
         * all the formats you asked for, and not only one of them.
         * Note that using this option will OVERRIDE any value provided to
         * `colorFormat` in jQuery.Colorpicker's options.
         * Defaults to: null
         * @see jQuery.Colorpicker's documentation
        'formats' => [
            // The `CMYK` and `CMYK%` formats are also available.
            'CMYK', 'CMYK%',

         * A set of options handled by the jQuery.Colorpicker library.
         * Defaults to: []
         * @see jQuery.Colorpicker's documentation
        'jquery.colorpicker' => [
            // The following part is a custom one created for this project and
            // provides another presentation for swatches, feel free to use it
            // if necessary.
            'parts' => ['swatcheslist'],


Sequential boxes

Outputs a UI allowing the user to add multiple times a predefined set of fields:

 * @param  {string} $name    The name of the input
 * @param  {array}  $data    The data
 * @param  {array}  $fields  An array of fields
 * @param  {array}  $options An array of options
function sequential($name, $data, $fields, $options = array())

Usage example:

    get_post_meta($post->ID, 'my_sequential_boxes', true),

         * An input[type=text]
            'type' => 'text',
            'name' => 'my_input_text',
            'label' => 'My input text',

         * A textarea
            'type' => 'textarea',
            'name' => 'my_textarea',
            'label' => 'My textarea',

         * A WP editor
            'type' => 'wysiwyg',
            'name' => 'my_wysiwyg',

         * An upload box
            'type' => 'upload',
            'name' => 'my_upload_box',
            'options' => array(
                'label' => 'My upload box',
                'openModalOnAddition' => true,

         * A post box
            'type' => 'post',
            'name' => 'my_post_box',
            'options' => array(
                'label' => 'My post box',
                'openModalOnAddition' => true,
                'hideLabel' => true,

         * A color box
            'type' => 'color',
            'name' => 'my_color_box',
            'options' => array(
                'label' => 'Add a new color',
                'formats' => ['CMYK', 'CMYK%'],

                'jquery.colorpicker' => [
                    'parts' => ['swatcheslist'],


         * The layout to use between "classic" and "large".
         * Defaults to: "classic"
        'layout' => 'large',

         * A maximum of sequential boxes the user can add.
         * Defaults to: null
        'max' => 10,
