In this update the groupId is changed, the API is published in Maven Central instead of JitPack, MiniPlaceholders 2 is supported and the ignoreSignedPlayers option is removed.
How to update
Simply delete the libs folder in the AuthMeVelocity directory.
In addition, AuthMeVelocity is now distributed in 2 jars (as initially distributed), this allows to have a better modularity and to be able to implement more modules in the future (probably an exclusive version for Paper 1.19.3+). AuthMeVelocity-Proxy must be installed on your Velocity proxy and AuthMeVelocity-Paper must be installed on your servers that have AuthMeReloaded installed
Compatibility with Minecraft 1.19.1+
In this version the ignoreSignedPlayers option is removed.
This is done because I developed a plugin that fixes this problem in Velocity, called UnSignedVelocity.
What's Changed
- AuthMeVelocity 4 by @4drian3d in #76
- fix(deps): update dependency org.bstats:bstats-velocity to v3.0.1 by @renovate in #77
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8 by @renovate in #78
- chore(deps): update dependency net.minecrell.plugin-yml.bukkit to v0.5.3 by @renovate in #80
- chore(deps): update shadow to v8 (major) by @renovate in #81
- chore(deps): update dependency gradle to v8.0.2 by @renovate in #79
- refactor!: change package to io.github._4drian3d.authmevelocity
- feat: implement separate releases
- publish: Maven Central
- fix: removed ignore signed players option
- fix(deps): updated to MiniPlaceholders 2
- feat: implement injection
- feat: improved configuration handling
- test: implement tests
- fix: fixed legacy minecraft version plugin message sending
Full Changelog: 3.0.6...4.0.0