Apache Kafka 2.0 Ecosystem, Core Concepts, Real World Java Producers/Consumers & Big Data Architecture
- The Apache Kafka Ecosystem Architecture
- The Kafka Core Concepts: Topics, Partitions, Brokers, Replicas, Producers, Consumers, and more!
- Launch your own Kafka cluster in no time using native Kafka binaries – Windows / MacOS X / Linux
- Learn and Practice using the Kafka Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Code Producer and Consumers using the Java API
- Real world project using Twitter as a source of data for a producer and ElasticSearch as a sink for our consumer
- Overview of Advanced APIs (Kafka Connect, Kafka Streams)
- Real World Case Studies and Big Use cases
- Overview of Advanced Kafka for Administrators
- Advanced Topic Configurations
- Annexes (starting a Kafka cluster locally, using Docker, etc...)