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Pangolin Hooks

Pangolin Hooks a react Hook library containing multiple hook to handle certain type of task.

  • useValidate
  • useUpdate
  • useFetch
  • useFetchEffect
  • useUpdate


This hook library does not depend on other library so you can use this with any other library.

Install with npm:

npm install pangolin-hooks

Install with yarn:

yarn add pangolin-hooks


This hooks help to handle form input with certain type of validation.

useValidate hook accepts two arguments with a configuration object that includes the following properties:

  • formSchema - this is an object of key and option field {[key]:option}, the option object having four key pair { value: any; validate: string; error: null | string; required?: boolean; }. The validate property must be empty string or combination of "required" | "number" | "string" | "email" | "confirm_password" separated with |. The required field is optional it will set true or false if the validate field contain required.
  • oldValue - the is the old value of the form get from server the format will be {[key]:value}. useValidate will map each of value of the key with the form schema key's value

Hook returns an array of form schema and the functions object:

  • form - contain the same form schema that pass in the useValidate hook.
  • functions - object contains multiple functions
    • validate - this function return true or false according to the formSchema validation for all keys.
    • validOnChange - on change function takes {value:any, name:string} object and validate the change field.
    • generalize - this function return object of the formSchema with generalize form that help to pass in server.
    • reset - reset the form.
    • setState - react setState directly connected with formSchema.


This is the simple form with submit and on change event

import {useValidate} from "pangolin-hooks";

function Demo(){
    const [form, validator] = useValidate({
        name: { value: "", validate: "required|string", error: null },
        email: { value: "", validate: "required|email", error: null },

    const handleSubmit = (e)=>{
        // check that all the field are valid
        if(!validator.validate()) return;

        // get the key value pair of the formSchema
        const data = validator.generalize();

        // send it to the server

    return (
        <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} >
                placeHolder="Enter your name"

                placeHolder="Enter your email"

            <button type="submit"> submit </button>

Display error in the form for each field

return (
    <form onSubmit={handleSubmit} >
            placeHolder="Enter your name"
        { && <span>{}</span>}

            placeHolder="Enter your email"
        { && <span>{}</span>}


Set the previous data i.e the data that get from server

import {useValidate} from "pangolin-hooks";

function Demo(){
    const [form, validator] = useValidate(
        name: { value: "", validate: "required|string", error: null },
        email: { value: "", validate: "required|email", error: null },
            name:"something name",



Clear the form field after submitting the form

function Demo(){
    const handleSubmit = (e)=>{


This hook help to fetch data from any api location and gives the parsed json form of data.

useFetch hook accepts only one argument auth:boolean that helps to do a api authentication. The api authentication works in the header property the authentication set like that Authorization: "Bearer " + token the token is get from local storage with the default key name token. If the token is not present in the local storage then it will give error as unauthenticated.

useFetch returns an array of three return value.

  • data - The data fetch from the server of any api.

  • fetchData - This is a function help to fetch the data from the server or any location having two arguments location and options

    • locator - The api location eg -
    • options - This is an object and optional and the default value is {method: "GET", debug: false}. If the debug is true it will throw an error in the browser console.
  • pending - boolean This is an state the represent that the data is fetching like loading

  • error - boolean|string This is an state show that there is an error or not.

  • setPending - This will set the state of the pending.

  • setError - This will set the state of the error.

  • setData - This will set the state of the data.

  • abortCont - This will help to abort the ongoing request if the component is unmount. Use this in the cleanup function.


This is an simple example with cleanup function

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFetch } from "pangolin-hooks";
const Example = () => {
    const [data, fetchData, pf] = useFetch(false);
    useEffect(() => {
        return () => {
    }, [fetchData, pf.abortCont]);

    return (
            {pf.pending && <p>Pending...</p>}
            {pf.error && <p>{pf.error}</p>}
            {data && <p>{JSON.stringify(data)}</p>}

The p tag with data shows {"userId":1,"id":1,"title":"delectus aut autem","completed":false} after getting the response.


This similar type of hook like useFetch but less options to set and already having the abort controller in useEffect cleanup function.

useFetchEffect hook accepts only two arguments locator and the options.

  • locator - The api location eg -
  • options - This is an object and optional and the default value is {auth:true, method: "GET", debug: false}. If the debug is true it will throw an error in the browser console. The auth options help to authenticate the api like useFetch.

useFetchEffect returns an array of three return value.

  • data - The data fetch from the server of any api.
  • pending - boolean This is an state the represent that the data is fetching like loading
  • error - boolean|string This is an state show that there is an error or not.


This is an simple example with cleanup function

import React, { useEffect } from "react";
import { useFetchEffect } from "pangolin-hooks";
const Example = () => {
    const [data, pending, error] = useFetchEffect(
        { auth: false }

    return (
            {pending && <p>pending...</p>}
            {error && <p>{error}</p>}
            {data && <p>{JSON.stringify(data)}</p>}

The p tag with data shows {"userId":1,"id":1,"title":"delectus aut autem","completed":false} after getting the response.


This similar type of hook like useFetch and useFetchEffect but use for only sending data to the server by various http methods. Having all others features like other two hooks.

useFetchEffect hook accepts only two arguments baseURL and the auth.

  • baseURL - The api base eg -
  • auth - The auth options help to authenticate the api like useFetch.

useFetchEffect returns an array of two return value. If the server send an json then it must contain a key name message where contain the message otherwise the text message shown in the status success

  • updateData - This function helps to pass send the request to the server. This function takes two arguments locator and options
    • locator - The path you want to send request eg - /some-location
    • options - The options is an object with default value { method = "GET", body, onSuccess = (data) => void 0, debug = false }
      • method - HTTP methods "GET" | "PUT" | "CONNECT" | "DELETE" | "POST" | "OPTIONS" | "TRACE" | "PATCH" | "HEAD"
      • body - This the body of fetch request must be convert into string before sending.
      • onSuccess - this callback function call when the request is successfully and data is the return value from the server.
      • debug - If the debug is true it will throw an error in the browser console.
  • status - This is an object having multiple status and options.
    • success - Show success message that comes from the server. If the server send status code ok then it will display default Operation successful message. If the server send an text message the the message is set to the success. If the server send an object then the object must contains an key message which one is set to the this.
    • error - Error message if any case
    • pending - boolean This is an state the represent that the data is fetching like loading. You can use this in the combination of button disabled property.
    • abortCont - This will help to abort the ongoing request if the component is unmount. Use this in the cleanup function.
    • StatusComp - This is an jsx Element that show a toast message according to success , error, pending status.


This is an simple example with cleanup function

import React, { useUpdate } from "react";
import { useFetchEffect } from "pangolin-hooks";
const Example = () => {
    const [updateData, { pending, abortCont, StatusComp }] = useUpdate(

    useEffect(() => {
        return () => {
    }, [abortCont]);

    const handleClick = () => {
        updateData("/users/2", { method: "DELETE" });
    return (
            <StatusComp />
            <button disabled={pending} onClick={handleClick}>
                Click Me