Bash script for bulk optimizing PNG/JPG files, quickly and reliably (includes download function, and GUI filepicker). It uses lossy compression, with barely noticeable differences except for filesize. Similar to
Download and install to /usr/local/bin/
sudo install -m 0755 compressimages /usr/local/bin/
Install dependencies
apt install -y jpegoptim pngquant parallel zenity imagemagick
Arch Linux
pacman -Syu jpegoptim pngquant parallel zenity imagemagick
Run it with
compressimages [options] [files] [directories]
-0 use NUL as delimiter for stdin rather than newline
-t INT threads to use (default: 16)
-p PATH path to save compressed images (default: $HOME/compressed)
-nh don't ignore directories starting with . or ..
-depth INT limit find's maxdepth to INT
-cc convert images to JPG and PNG, compress, and keep the smallest file
Read from stdin
find . -type f -name '*.png' -print0 | compressimages -0 -p output/
It can detect whether it's a directory or file, or even a (s)ftp/http(s) URL
compressimages -depth 2 Downloads/ someimage.png Pictures/
compressimages .
will recursively find and optimize all PNG/JPGs in the current directory, saving them in compressed/
by default
To open the zenity filepicker, just run
To bulk convert all images (including webp,svg,etc) to both JPG and PNG, compress them, and keep the smallest file
compressimages -cc
To read filenames/folders/URLs from a .txt file
compressimages < images.txt
For directories, it will scan them for more images.
For files, it will check they are PNG/JPG before continuing to optimize them.
For URLs, it will attempt to match http(s)/sft(p)/file links to images, download them using wget, and add the downloaded file to the queue for testing if it's a JPG/PNG image.
For the benchmark I created 1,000 unique JPG and PNG images of ~2.0MB each. The script successfully compressed all 2,000 images in under a minute, saving 1.7GB of space total.
Script to create the unique images
#!/usr/bin/env bash
for ((i=0; i<1000; i++)); do
convert -size 1000x1000 xc:gray +noise gaussian "image-$i.png"
convert -size 4000x1000 xc:gray +noise gaussian "image-$i.jpg"
Screenshot taken with mpv of a 4K BluRay, uncompressed (7.0MB)
Transparent image of the Rubik's Cube, uncompressed (79KB)
There are very small differences to the human eye in these examples, yet significant amounts of space was saved. Of course this example isn't 100% accurate (different test types on different images should be performed, like in:, but this should hopefully provide a rough idea as to what this script can do thanks to pngquant and jpegoptim.
More useful links:
- parallel
- jpegoptim
- pngquant
- zenity (optional)
- bash >= 4.0+