- Make sure that Node.js is installed on your computer. If you don't have it yet, download and install Node.js from the official website https://nodejs.org/en/.
- Download or clone the project repository.
- Open the terminal or command prompt and navigate to the project folder.
- Run the command npm install to install the project dependencies.
- Run the command npm start to start the application.
- Access the API through the endpoint http://localhost:8080/jogo/simular using a program like Postman or any other HTTP request software.
Note: The application is implemented in Node.js and uses the Express framework to create the API. The main file is monopoly-simulator.js and the routes are defined in the file src\modules\http\router.js. The game is simulated on every POST request to the endpoint http://localhost:8080/jogo/simular and the response is returned in JSON format, containing the name of the winning player and a list of player names ordered by balance.