Demo :
The project is solving the problem of situations around the world that affect privacy and communication security. Also this project aims to protect users from the physical attack of being forced to open their phone. For example in case of control at a border post by intelligence services, the theft of phones in order to try to analyze the device, the unexpected control by the police in the street, forcing the citizen to unlock their phone.
We solve the problem with what we call the “It’s just a Game sir” Feature. This is why we provide a game that aims to "lock" the messaging app, so that if someone is trying to find the user private messages, he won't be able to find it in this app that looks like a game and that is a game, unless you know how to reveal the messaging app hidden in it.
First we install dependencies using yarn
cd berty/tool/game-utils/bundler
cd ../pkg-validator
cd ../game-dev-app
cd ../../../..
And then if you are on Mac
Or if you are on Windows or Linux
To unlock the messaging app, simply start playing the flappybat game, and when you loose, enter "4242" as a name. Demo :
- Berty Game Jam
We learnt a lot about Berty and especially how to build a game, canvas, and a lot about team work.