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Learning meta-learning in machine learning or learning learning how to learn. How to use ML to design ML methods. Papers, videos, more papers.

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Learning meta-learning

Learning meta-learning in machine learning or learning learning how to learn.

A chameleon changing colors 🕶

(Inspiration: meta-learning talks by Oriol Vinyals in 2021, 2017)

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Meta-learning can be described as the process of: 1) learning how to learn (Harlow, 1949); 2) a system that discovers or improves a learning algorithm (Hochreiter et al., 2001); or 3) understanding and adaptation of learning, while adjusting it according to the task requirements (Lemke et al., 2013). In machine learning, it is the study of how to use machine learning to design machine learning methods (Li, 2020).

Traditional gradient-based (Rumelhart et al., 1986) deep learning models (Hinton, Osindero & Teh, 2006) typically use a lot of data for input-output measurements - black-box modelling strategies - for specific tasks (Hinton et al., 2012). However, they: 1) tend not to perform well in many applications with limited amounts of data and/or when they have to generalize to new tasks quickly; and 2) require inefficient relearning of parameters to incorporate new information.

Unlike machine learning systems, humans are good at continuous (Mitchell & Tulukdar, 2019) learning generalizations based on one or a few examples quickly and adapt to new circumstances, building on previous experience. Researchers have long been working on computation models that have human-like learning capacities (Valiant, 1984; Schmidhuber, 1987; Y. Bengio, S. Bengio & Cloutier, 1990; Thrun, 1995) to solve tasks from a few examples and/or to make concept generalizations similar to the way humans do. Meta-learning in machine learning focuses on algorithm learning in a supervised learning (Schmidhuber, 1993; Hochreiter et al., 2001) and reinforcement learning (Schmidhuber et al., 1996) frameworks by training meta-parameters to perform inference from limited quantities of data in few-shot (Finn et al., 2017; Ravi & Larochelle, 2017) and one-shot (Santoro, 2016) learning settings, in addition to feature and model learning present in deep learning (LeCun, Y. Bengio & Hinton, 2015).

Existing meta-learning methods can help deep learning models: 1) rapidly learn from datasets with limited data; and/or 2) learn from one task and generalize to unseen similar tasks.


Oriol Vinyals (DeepMind): Perspective and Frontiers of Meta-Learning (February 2021, AAAI 2021 Workshop on Meta-Learning)

  • "Meta-Learning has gained significant interest from the scientific community, with an increasing set of tools towards rapid learning, adaptation, few-shot learning, and other areas. In this talk, I'll give my perspective on why Meta-Learning may play a role towards natural intelligence and briefly describe related tasks, techniques, advances, and the challenges that remain."

Marta Garnelo (DeepMind): Meta-Learning and Neural Processes (January 2021)

  • Abstract: "Deep neural networks excel at function approximation, yet they are typically trained from scratch for each new function. On the other hand, Bayesian methods, such as Gaussian Processes (GPs), exploit prior knowledge to quickly infer the shape of a new function at test time. Yet GPs are computationally expensive, and it can be hard to design appropriate priors.

    "We propose a family of neural models, Conditional Neural Processes (CNPs), that combine the benefits of both. CNPs are inspired by the flexibility of stochastic processes such as GPs, but are structured as neural networks and trained via gradient descent. CNPs make accurate predictions after observing only a handful of training data points, yet scale to complex functions and large datasets. In this talk we will introduce CNPs and their latent variable version ‘Neural Processes’ through the lens of meta-learning and discuss how they relate to a variety of existing models from this ML area."

Chelsea Finn (Stanford/Google): Meta-Learning for Robustness to the Changing World (February 2021, AAAI 2021 Workshop on Meta-Learning)

  • "Machine learning systems are often designed under the assumption that they will be deployed as a static model in a single static region of the world. However, the world is constantly changing, such that the future no longer looks exactly like the past, and even in relatively static settings, the system may be deployed in new, unseen parts of its world. While such continuous shifts in the data distribution can place major challenges on models acquired in machine learning, the model need not be static either: it can and should adapt.

    "In this talk, I’ll discuss how we can allow deep networks to be robust to such distribution shift via adaptation. I will focus on meta-learning algorithms that enable this adaptation to be fast, first introducing the concept of meta-learning, then briefly overviewing several successful applications of meta-learning ranging from robotics to drug design, and finally discussing several recent works at the frontier of meta-learning research."

Chelsea Finn: Multi-Task and Meta-Learning (Stanford CS330) (2019)

  • "While deep learning has achieved remarkable success in supervised and reinforcement learning problems, such as image classification, speech recognition, and game playing, these models are, to a large degree, specialized for the single task they are trained for. This course will cover the setting where there are multiple tasks to be solved, and study how the structure arising from multiple tasks can be leveraged to learn more efficiently or effectively. This includes:

    • "goal-conditioned reinforcement learning techniques that leverage the structure of the provided goal space to learn many tasks significantly faster
    • "meta-learning methods that aim to learn efficient learning algorithms that can learn new tasks quickly
    • "curriculum and lifelong learning, where the problem requires learning a sequence of tasks, leveraging their shared structure to enable knowledge transfer"

Yoshua Bengio: Meta-learning (part of From System 1 Deep Learning to System 2 Deep Learning) (NeurIPS 2019) (December 2019)

  • Learning in nature and meta-learning: normal learning (individual learning) is similar to the inner loop (training the slower time-scale meta-parameters, so that the model can generalize well in a new environment), while evolution or fast adaptation to a new environment is the equivalent of the outer loop (which optimises what the inner loop is producing).

Hugo Larochelle (Google): Few-shot Learning with Meta-Learning: Progress Made and Challenges Ahead (Machine Learning Center at Georgia Tech) (October 2018)

  • "A lot of the recent progress on many AI tasks enabled in part by the availability of large quantities of labeled data. Yet, humans are able to learn concepts from as little as a handful of examples. Meta-learning is a very promising framework for addressing the problem of generalizing from small amounts of data, known as few-shot learning. In meta-learning, our model is itself a learning algorithm: it takes input as a training set and outputs a classifier. For few-shot learning, it is (meta-)trained directly to produce classifiers with good generalization performance for problems with very little labeled data. In this talk, I'll present an overview of the recent research that has made exciting progress on this topic (including my own) and will discuss the challenges as well as research opportunities that remain."


H. F. Harlow (1949). The Formation of Learning Sets. Psychological Review, 56(1):51.

  • "...trial and error learning theory and insight learning theory are merely two phases of a learning model, an initial phase and an ending phase... Learning sets describe the mechanisms by which complex learning problems are mastered by primate animals. After a time these problems are solved immediately or almost immediately." - H. F. Harlow (1980).

S. Hochreiter, A. S. Younger, P. R. Conwell (2001). Learning to Learn Using Gradient Descent. ICANN 2001.

  • Demonstrates how gradient-based LSTM networks (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997), trained to meta-learn, can rapidly learn new quadratic functions with little data.

  • In this approach, "the learning algorithm is encoded in the weights of a recurrent network, but gradient descent is not performed at test time" (OpenAI (Nichol et al.), 2019).

C. Lemke, M. Budka, B. Gabrys (2013). Metalearning: A Survey of Trends and Technologies. Artificial Intelligence Review, Vol. 44, pp. 117--130, 2015.

L. G. Valiant (1984). A Theory of the Learnable. ACM, Vol. 27, Number 11, p. 1134.

  • Demonstrates that it is possible to design learning machines which can learn entire (characterised) classes of concepts, which are "appropriate and nontrivial for general-purpose knowledge", while the "computational process by which the machines deduce the desired programs requires a feasible (i.e., polynomial) number of steps."

  • The learner learns via accessing information in the form of "routine examples" and a "routine oracle" ("a human expert, a database of past observations, some deduction system, or a combination of these").

J. Schmidhuber (1987). Evolutionary Principles in Self-Referential Learning. Diploma thesis.

  • Presents two approaches for learning how to learn (meta-learning), the second of which is done "on neuronal nets, associative networks, genetic algorithms and other 'weak' methods".

  • The thesis has "inspiring character rather than presenting a practical guidance to universal learning capabilities".

J. Schmidhuber (1993). A 'Self-Referential' Weight Matrix. ICANN 1993, pp 446-450.

  • Demonstrates a gradient-based recurrent neural network (S. El Hihi & Y. Bengio, 1992) with meta-learning can make it possible for neural network weight updates (which are traditionally carried out by hard-wired algorithms) to be done with a gradient-based sequence learning algorithm, as shown in a (computationally-complex) recurrent network example.

J. Schmidhuber, J. Zhao, M. Wiering (1996). Simple Principles of Metalearning. Technical Report IDSIA-69-96.

  • Demonstrates meta-learning in a reinforcement learning context, treating learning algorithms like actions with action probabilities depending on the learner's state and policy

    For an overview of reinforcement learning, refer to Sutton & Barto, 1998).

C. Finn, P. Abbeel, S. Levine (2017). Model-agnostic meta-learning for fast adaptation of deep networks. ICML 2017.

  • Introduces the MAML (Meta-Agnostic Meta-Learning) algorithm, which learns a model's initial parameters - meta-initialization - to aid with faster new task adaptation.

  • Demonstrates that gradient-based algorithms for meta-learning allow systems to be more adaptable to new tasks, similar to humans.

  • (Note that, unlike in conventional deep learning, meta-learning usually offers to improve the algorithms not from many data instances but over multiple learning episodes.)

S. Ravi, H. Larochelle (2017). Optimization as a Model for Few-Shot Learning. ICLR 2017.

  • Proposes an LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) RNN-based (S. El Hihi & Y. Bengio, 1992) meta-learned optimizer used to train another classifier in a few-short learning setting.

  • The performance is limited when fine-tuning with a few examples (Finn, 2018).

  • "Meta-learning suggests framing the learning problem at two levels. The first is quick acquisition of knowledge within each separate task presented. This process is guided by the second, which involves slower extraction of information learned across all the tasks."

A. Santoro, S. Bartunov, M. Botvinick, D. Wierstra, T. Lillicrap (2016) . Meta-Learning with Memory-Augmented Neural Networks. ICML 2016.

  • Demonstrates that a memory-augmented neural network, based on a Neural Turing Machine (Graves et al., 2014) and Memory Networks (Weston et al., 2014) can assimilate new data fast and use it to make successful predictions at inference after "seeing" only a few examples. (Why one-shot learning: machine learning models have to inefficiently relearn the parameters to take into account the new information to avoid failing at inference.)

  • "...meta-learning generally refers to a scenario in which an agent learns at two levels, each associated with different time scales. Rapid learning occurs within a task, for example, when learning to accurately classify within a particular dataset. This learning is guided by knowledge accrued more gradually across tasks, which captures the way in which task structure varies across target domains."

D. Samuel, A. Ganeshan, J. Naradowsky (2020). Meta-learning Extractors for Music Source Separation. arXiv:2002.07016

  • Introduces Meta-TasNet - a waveform-to-waveform meta-learning audio separation system adapted from Conv-TasNet (Luo & Mesgarani, 2018) for generating instrument-specific separation models, each of which is trained separately via generator network for parameter prediction (on the MUSDB18 (Rafii et al., 2017) dataset) ("...a generator network "supervises" the training of the individual extractors by generating some of their parameters directly").

  • Instead of using a single 1D convolutional layer encoder, Meta-TasNet uses a K number of such layers (multiple kernels) to "capture a wider frequency range with more fidelity", as well as "features from the classical STFT spectrogram of the input mixture, normalizing it, and projecting it down with one linear transformation (as a learnable replacement for a mel filter)".

  • "A major design choice in music source separation models is whether to (1) train a separate model for each instrument [Stoter et al., 2019], (2) to use a single class-conditional model, or (3) to use an instrument agnostic approach [Takahashi et al., 2019]. Our approach aims to combine the advantages of the first two; the high-precision of independent models, with improved optimization via parameter sharing in single models. It is also an effort to incorporate prior source knowledge into TasNet-type models."

  • Claims the model is "more effective than the models trained independently or in a multi-task setting, and achieve performance comparable with state-of-the-art methods... In comparison to a single multi-task model, our models perform better, and are smaller and faster."

O. Gul, C. Schlager, G. Todd (2020). MuML: Musical Meta-Learning. Stanford CS330 Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning project.

  • Attempts to explore the application of Model Agnostic Meta-Learning - MAML (Finn et al., 2017) - on music production (music generation with the ability to predict and generate other examples of music per genre).

  • Uses architectures with two-layer LSTM (Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, 1997) RNNs (S. El Hihi & Y. Bengio, 1992) and attention-based Transformers (Vaswani et al., 2017), and trains the models on the Lakh MIDI (Raffel, 2016), and Maestro (Hawthorne et al., 2018) datasets.

  • Demonstrates that the Musical MAML model can perform qualitatively better compared with the baseline if it is not positively adapting to task information because "the meta- learning objective forces the MAML model to place additional emphasis on larger structural features such as melodic and rhythmic motifs shared across reference snippets and that this increased structural competence is what enables it to produce samples that sound similar to those belonging to a particular piece. The baseline model, on the other hand, cannot adequately capture the necessary musical information in the few-shot training regime with a small model possessing limited computational capacity."

  • Discovers that "the meta-learning model better matches the underlying style of the provided task", but "when evaluated with negative log-likelihood, there is no substantial difference between the MAML and baseline models" ("Perhaps the simplest explanation is that the negative log likelihood is not effectively capturing musical style" because "despite a realized improvement in generating music of a target style, the negative log likelihood remains unaffected").

W. Liang, Z. Liu, C. Liu (2020). DAWSON: A Domain Adaptive Few Shot Generation Framework. Stanford CS 236 Project, arXiv:2001.00576v1.

  • Introduces the Music MATINEE model that can "quickly adapt to new domains with only tens of songs from the target domains" and "learn to generate new digits with only four samples in the MNIST dataset."

  • Proposes DAWSON ("a Domain Adaptive Few Shot Generation Framework For GANs") that addresses the challenge of meta-learning in GANs (Goodfellow et al., 2014) when it comes to obtaining gradients for the generator "from evaluating it on development sets due to the likelihood-free nature of GANs".

  • The new training process "naturally combines the two-step training procedure of GANs and the two-step training procedure of meta-learning algorithms".

  • Adapts methods from the Generative Matching Network (Bartunov & Vetrov, 2018) and one-shot generalization systems by Rezende et al., 2016.

T. Munkhdalai, H. Yu (2017). Meta Networks. ICML 2017, arXiv:1703.00837v2.

  • Introduces MetaNet (Meta Networks) for meta-level continual learning by allowing neural networks to learn and to generalize a new task or concept from a single example (one-shot learning).

  • Bases the work of various research, including Using fast weights to deblur old memories (Hinton & Plaut, 1987).

N. Mishra, M. Rohaninejad, X. Chen, P. Abbeel (2017). A Simple Neural Attentive Meta-Learner. ICLR 2018, arXiv:1707.03141v3.

  • Introduces the SNAIL (Simple Neural AttentIve Learner) algorithm that achieves significant performance improvements in supervised and reinforcement learning tasks.

  • Uses a combination of of temporal convolutions (van den Oord et al., 2016) (enabling "the meta-learner to aggregate contextual information from past experience") and soft attention (Vaswani et al., 2017) ("which allow it to pinpoint specific pieces of information within that context").

  • Formalizes the meta-learning problem as a sequence-to-sequence problem (Sutskever, Vinyals & Le, 2014).

K. Hsu, S. Levine, C. Finn (2019. Unsupervised Learning via Meta-Learning. ICLR 2019, arXiv:1810.02334.

  • Presents with a "unsupervised meta-learning approach acquires a learning algorithm without any labeled data that is applicable to a wide range of downstream classification tasks, improving upon the embedding learned by four prior unsupervised learning methods."

    "A central goal of unsupervised learning is to acquire representations from unlabelled data or experience that can be used for more effective learning of downstream tasks from modest amounts of labeled data."

    (More on unsupervised learning: Hinton & Sejnowski, 1999; Hastie et al., 2008; Stanford's Statistical Learning slides (Hastie, 2020).)

T. Nguyen, Z. Chen., J. Lee (2020) Dataset Meta-Learning from Kernel Ridge-Regression. arXiv:2011.00050.

  • Introduces "the novel concept of ε- approximation of datasets, obtaining datasets which are much smaller than or are significant corruptions of the original training data while maintaining similar model performance. We introduce a meta-learning algorithm called Kernel Inducing Points (KIP) for obtaining such remarkable datasets, inspired by the recent developments in the correspondence between infinitely-wide neural networks and kernel ridge-regression (KRR). For KRR tasks, we demonstrate that KIP can compress datasets by one or two orders of magnitude, significantly improving previous dataset distillation and subset selection methods while obtaining state of the art results for MNIST and CIFAR-10 classification."

  • Shows that KIP-learned datasets "are transferable to the training of finite-width neural networks even beyond the lazy-training regime, which leads to state of the art results for neural network dataset distillation with potential applications to privacy-preservation."

T. Hospedales, A. Antoniou, P. Micaelli, A. Storkey (2020). Meta-Learning in Neural Networks: A Survey.

  • Provides an overview of the meta-learning landscape: definitions, relation to transfer learning and hyperparameter optimization, a new comprehensive taxonomy, promising applications and successes (such as few-shot learning and reinforcement learning), and outstanding challenges and areas for future research.

O. Vinyals. Model vs Optimization Meta Learning. NeurIPS 2017 Meta-Learning Symposium.

  • Outlines the definitions of meta-learning, draws contrasts with supervised learning, presents the meta-learning taxonomy (adapted from Finn et al., 2017: model-based meta-learning, metric-based meta-learning, and optimization-based meta-learning), and discusses future work as of 2017.

C. Finn (2018). Learning to learn with gradients. Thesis.

  • Related to MAML Model-Agnostic Meta-Learning) (Finn et al., 2017) (MAML directly optimises performance with respect to a model's initial parameters, such that the model can adapt to a new similar task faster.).

  • "To study the problem of learning to learn, we first develop a clear and formal definition of the meta-learning problem, its terminology, and desirable properties of meta-learning algorithms. Building upon these foundations, we present a class of model-agnostic meta-learning methods that embed gradient-based optimization into the learner. Unlike prior approaches to learning to learn, this class of methods focus on acquiring a transferable representation rather than a good learning rule. As a result, these methods inherit a number of desirable properties from using a fixed optimization as the learning rule, while still maintaining full expressivity, since the learned representations can control the update rule."

A. Raghu, S. Bengio, O. Vinyals (2020). Rapid Learning or Feature Reuse? Towards Understanding the Effectiveness of MAML. ICLR 2020, arXiv:1909.09157.

  • Investigates whether the effectiveness of the MAML (Meta-Agnostic Meta-Learning) algorithm (Finn et al., 2017) is due to the meta-initialization being primed for faster learning or due to feature reuse, with the meta-initialization already containing high quality features.

  • Introduces the ANIL (Almost No Inner Loop) algorithm - a simpler version of MAML, which matches MAML's performance on benchmark few-shot image classification and reinforcement learning, while offering computational improvements.

OpenAI (A. Nichol, J. Achiam, J. Schulman (2018)). First-Order Meta-Learning Algorithms. arXiv:1803.02999.

  • Provides an analysis of a family of algorithms that meta-learn parameter initialization, including MAML (and first-order MAML (FOMAML) that ignores second-derivative terms (Finn et al., 2017)).

  • Introduces the Reptile algorithm - extending FOMAML - that doesn't require a training-test split for each task.

    Demonstrates that the Reptile model can still learn weights such that running gradient descent on similar tasks makes progress fast; provides insights for how to best implement the algorithms.

A. Antoniou, H. Edwards, A. Storkey (2018). How to Train Your MAML. ICLR 2019.

  • Presents a variant of MAML (Meta-Agnostic Meta-Learning) (Finn et al., 2017) that "offers the flexibility of MAML along with many improvements, such as robust and stable training, automatic learning of the inner loop hyperparameters, greatly improved computational efficiency both during inference and training and significantly improved generalization performance."

  • Claims that "MAML suffers from a variety of problems which: 1) cause instability during training, 2) restrict the model's gener- alization performance, 3) reduce the framework's flexibility, 4) increase the system's computational overhead and 5) require that the model goes through a costly (in terms of time and computation needed) hyperparameter tuning before it can work robustly on a new task."

T. Wolf, J. Chaumond, C. Delangue (2018). Meta-Learning a Dynamical Language Model. ICLR 2018.

  • "In this work, we study the possibility of combining short-term representations stored in hidden states with medium term representations encoded in a set of dynamical weights of the language model."

  • "...extends a series of recent experiments on networks with dynamically evolving weights [Ba, Hinton, Mnih et al., 2016; HyperNetworks (Ha, Dai & Q. Le, 2016); Krause et al., 2017] which shows improvements in sequential prediction tasks... formulating the task as a hierarchical online meta-learning task".

C. I. Winata, S. Cahyawijaya, Z. Lin, Z. Liu, P. Xu, P. Fung (2020). Meta-Transfer Learning for Code-Switched Speech Recognition. ACL 2020.

  • Proposes a meta-transfer learning method for speech recognition that extends MAML (Meta-Agnostic Meta-Learning) (Finn et al., 2017) "to not only train with monolingual source language resources but also optimize the update on the code- switching data".

  • The model "learns to recognize individual languages, and transfer them so as to better recognize mixed-language speech by conditioning the optimization on the code-switching data. Based on experimental results, our model outperforms existing baselines on speech recognition and language modeling tasks, and is faster to converge."

J. Gu, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, K. Cho, V. O.K. Li (2018). Meta-Learning for Low-Resource Neural Machine Translation). EMNLP 2018.

  • Proposes a meta-learning algorithm for low-resource neural machine translation (NMT).

  • Extends MAML (Meta-Agnostic Meta-Learning) (Finn et al., 2017): the algorithm helps find "the initialization of model parameters that facilitate fast adaptation for a new language pair with a minimal amount of training examples".

  • "...vanilla NMT often lags behind conventional machine translation systems, such as statistical phrase-based translation systems... for low-resource language pairs."

M. Yin, G. Tucker, M. Zhou, S. Levine, C. Finn (2019). Meta-Learning without Memorization. ICLR 2020, arXiv:1912.03820.

  • Proposes to use meta-regularization to reduce task-overfitting in meta-learning.

  • "... current methods require careful design of the meta-training tasks to prevent a subtle form of task overfitting, distinct from standard overfitting in supervised learning. If the task can be accurately inferred from the test input alone, then the task training data can be ignored while still achieving low meta-training loss. In effect, the model will collapse to one that makes zero-shot decisions."

  • "...based on maximizing the mutual information between the task-training data and task-specific parameters... by drawing the meta-parameter... from a Gaussian distribution...." (Pan et al., 2020).

E. Pan, P. Rajak, S. Shrivastava. Meta-Regularization by Enforcing Mutual-Exclusiveness. Stanford CS330 Deep Multi-Task and Meta Learning project.

  • "In the case of optimization based models, we regularize the model by maximizing the Euclidean distance between the task-specific parameters itself."

  • "In all meta-learning models, each task consists of training and test data, where the objective of the model is to quickly converge on a solution for the task using task-training data only. However, during training if models completely ignore the task-training data while learning about the tasks, it leads to task-overfitting. In essence, the model has memorized the underlying functional form of all the training tasks in its weight vector, and thus does not know how to process the training data of new tasks at meta-test time."


Learning meta-learning in machine learning or learning learning how to learn. How to use ML to design ML methods. Papers, videos, more papers.






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