Home Screen: | New / Update Screen: |
This is a simple Flutter app inspired by the classic "ToDo List" concept. It follows the principles of clean architecture and does not rely on any third-party dependencies.
Create new accounts with a title and an initial amount set to zero. Edit existing accounts to update their amount value. Delete accounts that are no longer needed.
The app is structured using the principles of clean architecture, which provide a clear separation of concerns and make the codebase highly testable and maintainable. The architecture consists of the following layers:
- Presentation: Contains the UI components, including the screens and widgets. It is responsible for displaying data and receiving user input.
- Domain: Defines the core business logic and entities of the app, including entities and services logic.
- Data: Handles the data access and repository implementation. It abstracts the app's data sources using a local database and provides methods for CRUD operations on accounts.
The Flutter Budget Keeper app is built using the following third-party dependencies:
- cupertino_icons: https://github.com/flutter/flutter.git
- sqflite: https://github.com/tekartik/sqflite.git
- fluttertoast: https://github.com/ponnamkarthik/FlutterToast.git
- money2: https://pub.dev/packages/money2
These dependencies enhance the functionality of the app and provide additional features and utilities.