Main Features This project: • Role based authentication for teacher an student and kept the functionality to update profile and username. • Teacher can create course, create exam, manage students and view all student’s result (of MCQ exam) & see answer script (PDF- for written examination) • Student can enroll new course, attend exams and see his/her results. • Teacher can remove and do block any student from the course. • During the examination, if time runs out , the submit button will be disabled. • For communication purpose, we kept chatting functionality for each course.
Technology used: React JS, React Router, Firebase, Express JS, MongoDB, Bootstrap, MaterialUI, Socket-IO.
Live Site link: Client Site code: Server side code:
How to run? clone both client and server side code. Open with your code editor. Set .env vars and command yarn start/npm start both client and server side.
How to run? (step by step command):
-> Front end: clone the repository and run the following commands npm i npm start
-> Back end: clone the repository, add .env vars and run the following commands npm i npm start