#Instructions :
1 . Compile all files and Run the Test1 class which has main function in it . 2 . Include the classpath of JDBC driver while running the Test1 class (java -classpath ".;JDBC/sqlite-jdbc-3.7.2.jar" Test1) to run the Test class . 3 . Currently there are "2" Accounts in Database : a) Account number : 12345 PIN : 12354 IFSC code : IFSC1 b) Account number : 55555 PIN : 66666 IFSC code : IFSC2 Use these 2 accounts to do Transactions and Transfer money to one another . 4 . Currently only last 3 Transactions were shown in mini statement we can increase the number any time in Account class . 5 . Close the GUI after giving the input . 6 . Manually press ctrl+c to terminate the program even after switching off .