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Merge pull request #10 from ACEsuit/yyvec
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Reorganize coupling coeffs with SYYVector
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cortner authored Jun 29, 2023
2 parents d40c420 + 4bf5ea6 commit b9752bc
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Showing 8 changed files with 364 additions and 17 deletions.
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion Project.toml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Test = "8dfed614-e22c-5e08-85e1-65c5234f0b40"
Polynomials4ML = "03c4bcba-a943-47e9-bfa1-b1661fc2974f"
WignerD = "87c4ff3e-34df-11e9-37a7-516cea4e0402"
Rotations = "6038ab10-8711-5258-84ad-4b1120ba62dc"
BlockDiagonals = "0a1fb500-61f7-11e9-3c65-f5ef3456f9f0"

test = ["Test", "Polynomials4ML", "WignerD", "Rotations"]
test = ["Test", "Polynomials4ML", "WignerD", "Rotations","BlockDiagonals"]
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/RepLieGroups.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,5 +1,7 @@
module RepLieGroups



213 changes: 209 additions & 4 deletions src/obsolete/O3.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,9 +1,10 @@
module O3

using RepLieGroups: SYYVector
using StaticArrays, SparseArrays
using LinearAlgebra: norm, rank, svd, Diagonal, tr, dot

export ClebschGordan, Rot3DCoeffs, Rot3DCoeffs_real
export ClebschGordan, Rot3DCoeffs, Rot3DCoeffs_real, Rot3DCoeffs_long

# -------------------

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -71,6 +72,7 @@ function _select_t(L, l, M, K)
# We assumed that there is only one coefficient; this will warn us if it fails
# For Rot3DCoeffs_real, it can have more than one value
@assert numt == 1
return tret
Expand All @@ -86,6 +88,10 @@ coco_init(::Val{L}, T) where L = L == 0 ? [ complex(T(1));; ] : []
coco_init(::Val{L}, T, l, m, μ) where L = L == 0 ? (
l == m == μ == 0 ? complex(T(1)) : complex(T(0)) ) : ( vec_cou_coe(Rot3DCoeffs(0), l, m, μ, L, _select_t(L, l, m, μ)) )

# TODO: This is still wrong - to be modified
coco_init_real(::Val{L}, T, l, m, μ) where L = L == 0 ? (
l == m == μ == 0 ? complex(T(1)) : complex(T(0)) ) : ( [ vec_cou_coe(Rot3DCoeffs_real(0), l, m, μ, L, _select_t(L, l, m, μ)[i]) for i = 1: length(_select_t(L, l, m, μ)) ] )

coco_zeros(::Val{L}, T, ll, mm, kk) where L = L == 0 ? complex(T(0)) : @SVector zeros(T,2L+1)

## NOTE: for rSH, we can enforce sum(mm) == 0 but for cSH this is not the case.
Expand All @@ -103,7 +109,7 @@ function mm_filter(mm,L=0)
set(m) = unique([m,-m])
mmset = Iterators.product([set(mm[i]) for i = 1:length(mm)]...) |> collect
for (i,m) in enumerate(mmset)
if sum(m) == 0 # Was is simply "... <= L" for larger L??
if abs(sum(m)) <= L # Was it simply "... <= L" for larger L??
return true
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -323,10 +329,15 @@ end
# TODO: actually this seems false; it is only one recursion step, and a bit
# or reshuffling should allow us to get rid of the {N = 2} case.

(A::Union{Rot3DCoeffs{L, T},Rot3DCoeffs_real{L, T}})(ll::StaticVector{1},
(A::Rot3DCoeffs{L, T})(ll::StaticVector{1},
kk::StaticVector{1}) where {L, T} =
coco_init(_ValL(A), T, ll[1], mm[1], kk[1])

(A::Rot3DCoeffs_real{L, T})(ll::StaticVector{1},
kk::StaticVector{1}) where {L, T} =
coco_init_real(_ValL(A), T, ll[1], mm[1], kk[1])

function _compute_val(A::Rot3DCoeffs{L, T}, ll::StaticVector{N},
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -493,7 +504,7 @@ function __compute_Al(A::Union{Rot3DCoeffs{L, T},Rot3DCoeffs_real{L, T}}, ll, Ml
@assert length(cc) == 1
cc[1][im] = cc0
# NOTE: We won't have this in the current setting???
# # NOTE: We won't have this in the current setting???
# function __into_cc!(cc, cc0::AbstractVector, im)
# @assert length(cc) == length(cc0)
# for p = 1:length(cc)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -529,4 +540,198 @@ function __compute_Al(A::Union{Rot3DCoeffs{L, T},Rot3DCoeffs_real{L, T}}, ll, Ml

## I will first define Rot3DCoeffs_long at the very end and we then decide how we unify things...

struct Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}
vals::Vector{Dict} # val[N] = coeffs for correlation order N

_ValL(::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L}) where {L} = Val{L}()

coco_type_long(::Val{L}, T::Type{<: Number}) where L = SYYVector{L, (L+1)^2,T}

function coco_init_long(::Val{L}, T, l, m, μ) where L
# TODO: ComplexF64? Float64?
init = zeros(T,(L+1)^2)
for ltemp = 0:L
init[ltemp^2+1:(ltemp+1)^2] = ltemp == 0 ? [coco_init(Val(ltemp),T,l,m,μ)] :
try coco_init(Val(ltemp),T,l,m,μ)
# NOTE: A very interesting point - we currently do not have an elegant filter for all (sub)L
# so we sometimes have asseration error in vec_cou_coeff function. However, this only means that
# the coupling coefficients for those cases should be 0!
init = NTuple{(L+1)^2,T}(init)
return SYYVector(init)

coco_zeros_long(::Val{L}, T, ll, mm, kk) where L = SYYVector(NTuple{(L+1)^2,T}(zeros((L+1)^2)))

coco_filter_long(::Val{L}, ll, mm) where L =
L == 0 ? iseven(sum(ll)) && abs(sum(mm)) <= L : abs(sum(mm)) <= L

coco_filter_long(::Val{L}, ll, mm, kk) where L =
L == 0 ? iseven(sum(ll)) && abs(sum(mm)) <= L && abs(sum(kk)) <= L : abs(sum(mm)) <= L && abs(sum(kk)) <= L

coco_dot(u1::SYYVector{L,N,T}, u2::SYYVector{L,N,T}) where {L,N,T} = dot(,

Rot3DCoeffs_long(L, T=Float64) = Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}(Dict[], ClebschGordan(T))

function get_vals(A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}, valN::Val{N}) where {L,T,N}
# make up an ll, kk, mm and compute a dummy coupling coeff
ll, mm, kk = SVector(0), SVector(0), SVector(0)
cc0 = coco_zeros_long(_ValL(A), T, ll, mm, kk)
TP = typeof(cc0)
if length(A.vals) < N
# create more dictionaries of the correct type
for n = length(A.vals)+1:N
push!(A.vals, dicttype(n, TP)())
return (A.vals[N])::(dicttype(valN, TP))

function (A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T})(ll::StaticVector{N},
kk::StaticVector{N}) where {L, T, N}
vals = get_vals(A, Val(N)) # this should infer the type!
key = _key(ll, mm, kk)
if haskey(vals, key)
val = vals[key]
val = _compute_val(A, key...)
vals[key] = val
return val

# the recursion has two steps so we need to define the
# coupling coefficients for N = 1, 2
# TODO: actually this seems false; it is only one recursion step, and a bit
# or reshuffling should allow us to get rid of the {N = 2} case.

(A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T})(ll::StaticVector{1},
kk::StaticVector{1}) where {L, T} =
coco_init_long(_ValL(A), T, ll[1], mm[1], kk[1])

function _compute_val(A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}, ll::StaticVector{N},
kk::StaticVector{N}) where {L, T, N}
val = coco_zeros_long(_ValL(A), T, ll, mm, kk)
TV = typeof(val)

tmp = zero(MVector{N-1, Int})

function _get_pp(aa, ap)
for i = 1:N-2
@inbounds tmp[i] = aa[i]
tmp[N-1] = ap
return SVector(tmp)

jmin = maximum( ( abs(ll[N-1]-ll[N]),
abs(mm[N-1]+mm[N]) ) )
jmax = ll[N-1]+ll[N]
for j = jmin:jmax
cgk =[N-1], kk[N-1], ll[N], kk[N], j, kk[N-1]+kk[N])
cgm =[N-1], mm[N-1], ll[N], mm[N], j, mm[N-1]+mm[N])
if cgk * cgm != 0
llpp = _get_pp(ll, j) # SVector(llp..., j)
mmpp = _get_pp(mm, mm[N-1]+mm[N]) # SVector(mmp..., mm[N-1]+mm[N])
kkpp = _get_pp(kk, kk[N-1]+kk[N]) # SVector(kkp..., kk[N-1]+kk[N])
a = A(llpp, mmpp, kkpp)# ::TV
val += cgk * cgm * a
return val

function re_basis(A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}, ll::SVector) where {L, T}
TCC = coco_type_long(_ValL(A), T)
CC, Mll = compute_Al(A, ll) # CC::Vector{Vector{...}}
G = [ sum( coco_dot(CC[a][i], CC[b][i]) for i = 1:length(Mll) )
for a = 1:length(CC), b = 1:length(CC) ]
svdC = svd(G)
rk = rank(Diagonal(svdC.S), rtol = 1e-7)
# Diagonal(sqrt.(svdC.S[1:rk])) * svdC.U[:, 1:rk]' * CC
# construct the new basis
Ured = Diagonal(sqrt.(svdC.S[1:rk])) * svdC.U[:, 1:rk]'
Ure = Matrix{TCC}(undef, rk, length(Mll))
for i = 1:rk
Ure[i, :] = sum(Ured[i, j] * CC[j] for j = 1:length(CC))
return Ure, Mll

# function barrier
function compute_Al(A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}, ll::SVector) where {L, T}
fil(mm) = abs(sum(mm)) <= L
Mll = collect(_mrange(_ValL(A), ll; mm_filter = fil))
TP = coco_type_long(_ValL(A), T)
if length(Mll) == 0
return Vector{TP}[], Mll

TA = typeof(A(ll, Mll[1], Mll[1]))
return __compute_Al(A, ll, Mll, TP, TA)

# TODO: what was TA for? Can we get rid of it via coco_type?

function __compute_Al(A::Rot3DCoeffs_long{L, T}, ll, Mll, TP, TA) where {L, T}
lenMll = length(Mll)
# each element of CC will be one row of the coupling coefficients
TCC = coco_type_long(_ValL(A), T)
CC = Vector{TCC}[]
# some utility funcions to allow coco_init to return either a property
# or a vector of properties
function __into_cc!(cc, cc0, im) # cc0: ::AbstractProperty
@assert length(cc) == 1
cc[1][im] = cc0
# # NOTE: We won't have this in the current setting???
# function __into_cc!(cc, cc0::AbstractVector, im)
# @assert length(cc) == length(cc0)
# for p = 1:length(cc)
# cc[p][im] = cc0[p]
# end
# end

for (ik, kk) in enumerate(Mll) # loop over possible basis functions
# do a dummy calculation to determine how many coefficients we will get
cc0 = A(ll, Mll[1], kk)# ::TA
@assert length(cc0) == (L+1)^2
numcc = 1
# the assert above replaced the following line; to be replaced with
# the suitable generalisation to L > 0
# numcc = (cc0 isa AbstractProperty ? 1 : length(cc0))
# allocate the right number of vectors to store basis function coeffs
cc = [ Vector{TCC}(undef, lenMll) for _=1:numcc ]
for (im, mm) in enumerate(Mll) # loop over possible indices
if !coco_filter_long(_ValL(A), ll, mm, kk)
cc00 = zeros(TP, length(cc))::TA
__into_cc!(cc, cc00, im)
# get all possible coupling coefficients
cc0 = A(ll, mm, kk)# ::TA
__into_cc!(cc, cc0, im)
# and now push them onto the big stack.
append!(CC, cc)

return CC, Mll

## End of the latest long Rot3D implementation

46 changes: 46 additions & 0 deletions src/yyvector.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
using StaticArrays

import Base: *, +, complex, real

struct SYYVector{L, N, T} <: StaticVector{N, T}
data::NTuple{N, T}

SYYVector(data::NTuple{N, T}) where {N, T} =
try SYYVector{Int(sqrt(N)-1), N, T}(data)
error("length of the input should be L^2 for some Int L!")

# TODO: @boundscheck / @propagate_inbounds
Base.@propagate_inbounds function Base.getindex(y::SYYVector, i::Int)
@boundscheck checkbounds(y,i)

@inline _lm2i(l, m) = l^2 + m + l + 1
@inline _i2lm(i) = ( ceil(Int,sqrt(i)) - 1, i - ceil(Int,sqrt(i))^2 + ceil(Int,sqrt(i)) - 1)::Tuple{Int,Int}

@inline Base.getindex(y::SYYVector, lm::Tuple{Int,Int}) = y[_lm2i(lm[1], lm[2])]
@inline Base.getindex(y::SYYVector, lm::NamedTuple{(:l,:m),Tuple{Int,Int}}) = y[_lm2i(lm.l, lm.m)]

@inline Base.getindex(y::SYYVector, ::Val{l}) where l =
SVector(ntuple(i -> y[i+l^2], 2*l+1))

Base.Tuple(y::SYYVector) =

*(y::SYYVector{L,N,T1},b::T2) where {L,N,T1<:Number,T2<:Number} =
SYYVector(NTuple{N,promote_type(T1,T2)}([[i] for i = 1:N ] * b))

+(y::SYYVector{L,N,T1},b::T2) where {L,N,T1<:Number,T2<:Number} =
SYYVector(NTuple{N,promote_type(T1,T2)}([[i] for i = 1:N ] .+ b))

+(y1::SYYVector{L,N,T1},y2::SYYVector{L,N,T2}) where {L,N,T1<:Number,T2<:Number} =
SYYVector(NTuple{N,promote_type(T1,T2)}([[i][i] for i = 1:N ]))

complex(y::SYYVector{L,N,T}) where {L,N,T<:Number} = SYYVector{L,N,ComplexF64}(
real(y::SYYVector{L,N,T}) where {L,N,T<:Number} =
try SYYVector{L,N,Float64}(
error("Can not convert a complex SYYVector to a real one.")
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ using Test

@testset "RepLieGroups.jl" begin
# Write your tests here.
@testset "SYYVector" begin include("test_yyvector.jl"); end
@testset "O3-ClebschGordan" begin include("test_obsolete_cg.jl"); end
@testset "O3" begin include("test_obsolete_o3.jl"); end
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions test/test_obsolete_cg.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -56,6 +56,7 @@ cg = ClebschGordan()
# see e.g.–Gordan_coefficients
# this is the magic formula that we need, on which everything else is based
for ntest = 1:200
local θ
# two random Ylm ...
l1, l2 = rand(1:10), rand(1:10)
m1, m2 = rand(-l1:l1), rand(-l2:l2)
Expand All @@ -80,5 +81,3 @@ for ntest = 1:200
print_tf((@test (p p2) || (abs(p-p2) < 1e-15)))


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