Traffic lights are control flow devices that guarantee security for drivers. Due to the lack of concentration and slow reaction from the drivers, this might lead into car accidents. Therefore, this project aims to contribute to with the implementation of a Automatic Brake Driver Assitance System based on Traffic Lights using Deep Learning and a Fuzzy Logic Decision-Making Algorithm which will be computed using a Nvidia Jetson TX2 and a ZED Stereo Camera.
This project is part of my master's thesis from Tecnologico de Monterrey. The ADAS consist of using the trained model, ZED depth map generation, and Fuzzy Logic Decision-Making algorithm to provide a brake signal based on the Traffic Light State and the distance to it.
The project was built using:
- Tensorflow 2.3.1
- Bazel 3.1.0
- Tensorflow Addons 0.13.0
- Jetpack 4.5.1 (L4T.R32.5.1)
- CUDA 10.2
- cuDNN 8.0
- Python 3.6.9
- Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
- ROS2 Eloquent
- ZED SDK for Jetpack 4.5 (version 3.5)
In this section we provide a full guide for the installation of the dependecies needed to execute the Automatic Brake Driver Assitance System based on Traffic Lights using Deep Learning and a Fuzzy Logic Decision-Making Algorithm on the Jetson TX2. Please follow the order of the installation guide:
- Jetpack 4.5.1 (L4T.R32.5.1) Installation.
- ZED SDK Installation.
- ROS2 Installation.
- ROS2 Wrapper Installation.
- Tensorflow, Bazel, Tensorflow Addons, Tensorflow Object Detecion Api Installtions.
For this project, I used the Jetpack 4.5.1 (L4T.R32.5.1). Please follow the instructions provided by Jethacks.
Download the installer for the zed sdk stereo camera for jetson. Then, make it executable and run the installer (yes to everything)
To execute the sample related to the zed python library, execute them as follows:
According to Errors
To install ROS2 Eloquent, follow the instructions provided in the following post
First git clone the repo and checkout to the eloquent branch. Once there colcon build (as specified in the master brach "only the colcon build").
There are two ways to install the Tensorflow, Bazel, Tensorflow Addons, Tensorflow Object Detecion Api. Simply execute the
which contains all the dependencies of the project or by manually installing the dependecies provided in the Manual Installation.txt
Once the Installation is completed check each component:
- Execute the
executable from the ZED SDK. - Execute
ros2 launch zed_wrapper
and check the topics sent from the zed in rviz. - Execute
python3 -c 'import tensorflow as tf; print(tf.__version__)'
it should display2.3.1
- Execute
bazel --version
it should display3.1.0
- Execute
python3 -c 'import tensorflow_addons as tfa; print(tfa.__version__)'
it should display0.13.0
- Execute
python3 object_detection/builders/
in the tensorflow object detection api and no errors should be displayed.
The folder structure of the project can be seen as follows:
├── fuzzy_logic_design # Test different Fuzzy Logic algorithms candidates
│ ├── TL_Decision_Making.ipynb
├── dev_ws # ROS2 Workspace for the ADAS
│ ├── src # Contains all the ROS2 Packages
│ ├── zed-ros2-wrapper # ROS2 Package that retrieves the information from the ZED camera and publishes on topics
│ ├── ...
│ ├── tl_perception # ROS2 Package that performs the model inference, disntance estimation, and decision making
│ ├── label_maps # Class label for the detection of traffic lights
│ ├── models # Trained models for inference
│ ├── tl_perception # Contains all the nodes of this ROS2 package
│ ├── # ROS2 node that performs the model inference and publish the classes and bounding boxes
│ ├── # ROS2 node that estimates the distance from the detected traffic light and publist the distance and class
│ ├── # ROS2 node that performs fuzzy logic decision making and outputs the brake signal
│ ├── ...
│ ├── ...
│ ├── tl_interfaces # ROS2 Package that stores all the custom interfaces (messages) of the system
│ ├── msg
│ ├── TLPredictions.msg # Custom Interface for (publisher)
│ ├── ClassDistanceTL.msg # Custom Interface for (publisher)
│ ├── ...
│ ├── ...
├── Manual_Installation.txt # Manual Installation of the dependencies to setup the environment
├── # Automatic Installation of the dependencies to setup the environment
├── # Contains all the information of the project
└── ...
Important: The Automatic Brake Driver Assitance System based on Traffic Lights using Deep Learning and a Fuzzy Logic Decision-Making Algorithm only involves the files inside the /dev_ws/src
The project 3 ROS2 packages (One package is for the custom messages). The ROS2 packages interact as follows:
Each of the packages are described in more detail below:
This package is responsible to publish all the information of the ZED Stereo camera such as: RGB images from the left and right lens, depth map, and point cloud information.
In this section, the results obtained during the Component Integration (TLSDM, TLD, TLDM) using ROS2 is covered. This includes
the Traffic Light State Detection Model Inference using ROS2, Traffic Light Distance using ROS2, Traffic Light Decision-Making using ROS2,
Components Integration using ROS2. All the components are built inside a rospackage called TL_Perception
. This can be shown below:
The first built component of the ABDASTL is the TLSDM. This was represented in ROS2 using a rosnode called model_inference
. This node is subscribed to /zed/zed node/left/image_rect_color
, which are the RGB images from left lens of the ZED Stereo camera at 10 FPS. For each RGB image, the TLSDM performs the model inference. Finally, the bounding box coordinates and classes found by the detection model are published to the topic /detection/model/predictions
, and the RGB images with the bounding boxes plotted are published to detections/image/rgb
. The rqt graph of the subscribers and publishers of the model inference node can be shown below:
The second built component of the ABDASTL is the TLD. This was represented in ROS2 using a rosnode called depth estimation
. This node is subscribed to /zed/zed node/depth/depth_registered
and /detection/model/predictions
. The first one receives the depth map generated from the ZED Stereo Camera at 10 FPS, and the second subscription gets the bounding box coordinates and classes from the previous component. For each pair of depth map images and the bounding box coordinates, the TLD is estimated by locating the bounding box coordinates
from the RGB image into the depth map image generated by the ZED Stereo camera, as both have the same resolution, then this provides the location of the TL in the depth map image. Once the TL was located in the depth map, then the median value of all the pixels within the
bounding box is published, as well as, the classes provided by model inference component are published to the /estimation/classes_distances
. The rqt graph of the subscribers and publishers of the depth estimation node can be shown below:
The last component built of the ABDASTL is the TLDM. This was represented in ROS2 using a rosnode called tl_decision_making
. This node is subscribed to /estimation/classes distances
, which is the TL distance and classes estimated from depth estimation node. This information is fed into the Fuzzy Model, where the TLD is represented as a float number from 0 to 15 meters, and the TLS is represented with an integer value from 1 to 4 each representing a TLS.The Fuzzy Model outputs the Brake Signal, which is a float number from -1 to 1, where -1
represents that no TL was detected and 0 to 1 is the range of operation of the Brake Signal. The rqt graph of the subscribers and publishers of the tl decision making node can be shown below:
This package contains all the custom messages required for the ADAS. These are used in the TL_Perception
Execute the following commands in the same order to correctly start the ABSTL.
This mode is the live mode, the following commands are required to enable this mode.
Open terminal 1 and execute:
Once in the interface provided by jtop enable the jetson clocks manually.
Open terminal 2 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x06 ros2 run tl_perception model_inference
Open terminal 3 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 launch zed_wrapper
Open terminal 4 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 run tl_perception depth_estimation
Open terminal 5 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 run tl_perception tl_decision_making
The offline mode is required for testing purposes and it is divided into recording and playing rosbags. The following commands are required:
Stores the information of the desired topics in rosbag format.
Open terminal 1 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 launch zed_wrapper
Open terminal 2 and execute the following command:
ros2 bag record /zed/zed_node/left/image_rect_color /zed/zed_node/depth/depth_registered
Important: This command the topics from the RGB images and depth map from the ZED Stereo Camera. To stop the recording press ctrl + c.
Starts streaming the topics that were recorded in the rosbags.
Open terminal 1 and execute:
Once in the interface provided by jtop enable the jetson clocks manually.
Open terminal 2 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x06 ros2 run tl_perception model_inference
Open terminal 3 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 bag play [name of the rosbag]
Open terminal 4 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 run tl_perception depth_estimation
Open terminal 5 and execute the following command:
taskset 0x39 ros2 run tl_perception tl_decision_making
To evaluate the behaviour of the system it is important to display the output of each stage.
Open terminal 1 and execute the following command:
ros2 topic echo /estimation/classes_distances
Open terminal 2 and execute the following command:
ros2 topic echo /fl_dm/output
In this subsections we provide several videos of the ABDASTL.
Green State at Different Distances | Red State at Different Distances |
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE
for more information.