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Detect (and practically track) in the ROS world a laser spot emitted from a common laser pointer.


  • It should work on cpu only pc, but gpu (only nvidia) is preferrable
  • Pytorch with matching version of cuda. conda (please miniconda) can be used but I probably you have to install also ros in the environent to run all
  • ROS (1)
  • If using yolov5, their requirments (see setup and running)

Setup and running

The tracking comprises two main nodes: 2D_detection for 2D neural network detection and 3D_matching for pixel-point matching and TF broadcasting.

In brief:
The 2D_detection node will subscribe to /$(arg camera)/$(arg image)/$(arg transport)>
The 3D_tracking to /$(arg point_cloud) A TF will be broadcasted to the ROS tf tree from the point cloud reference to the $(arg laser_spot_frame).

  • Indentify the model/weights you want. Some are provided at In any case they should have been trained on laser spots, obviously. Put the model you want to use in a folder, models folder of this repo is the default.

  • [Optional, but suggested] If Yolov5 is used, better to clone their repo, and provide its path to the yolo_path argument. Otherwise, pytorch will download it every time (since the default is "ultralytics/yolov5"). If cloning, go in the folder and install the requirments: pip install -r requirements.txt.

  • Run the launch file: roslaunch tpo_vision laser3DTracking.launch model_name:=<> camera:=<> point_cloud:=<>

Launch File Arguments


  • model_name: Name of the neural network model, a ".pt" file, located in model_path folder
  • camera: Camera "ROS" name. This is used to define the topic where images are published. It is the root of the image topic name.
  • point_cloud: The name of the topic where the PointCloud is published (pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>)


  • model_path (default: "$(find nn_laser_spot_tracking)/models/"): Path to the neural network model directory.

  • yolo_path (default "ultralytics/yolov5"): Path to the yolo repo, better to download it so you have it locally.

  • image (default: "color/image_raw"): Image topic name.

  • transport (default: "compressed"): Image transport type.

  • dl_rate (default: 30): Rate of the 2D_detection node. Note that inference part is blocking, so the node may not reach this rate

  • tracking_rate (default: 100): Rate of the 3D_matching node.

  • detection_confidence_threshold (default: 0.55): Confidence threshold for 2D detections.

  • cloud_detection_max_sec_diff (default: 4): Maximum timestamp difference between 2D detections and point clouds. If it is bigger, results are discarded.

  • position_filter_enable (default: true): Enable laser spot position filtering to smooth erratic movements of the laser spot.

  • position_filter_bw (default: 9): Bandwidth of the position filter.

  • position_filter_damping (default: 1): Damping factor for the position filter. These are settable online with a ddynamic reconfigure server.

  • keypoint_topic (default: "/nn_laser_spot_tracking/detection_output_keypoint"): Topic with which 2D_tracking and 3D_matching communicate. Better to not touch.

  • laser_spot_frame (default: "laser_spot_frame"): Frame name for laser spot.

  • pub_out_images (default: true): Publish 2D images with rectangle on the detected laser spot.

  • pub_out_images_all_keypoints (default: false): Publish RGB 2D with all keypoints (not only the best one above the confidence threshold).

  • pub_out_images_topic (default: "/detection_output_img"): Topic name for publishing output images.

  • gdb (default: false): Enable GDB debugging.

  • rviz (default: false): Launch RViz visualization.

Training new models



  author={Torielli, Davide and Bertoni, Liana and Muratore, Luca and Tsagarakis, Nikos},
  journal={IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters}, 
  title={A Laser-Guided Interaction Interface for Providing Effective Robot Assistance to People With Upper Limbs Impairments}, 
  keywords={Robots;Lasers;Task analysis;Keyboards;Magnetic heads;Surface emitting lasers;Grippers;Human-robot collaboration;physically assistive devices;visual servoing},


A laser spot tracking employing NN and ROS







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