codes to download climate data (temperature and precipitation) and calculate MCWD
Import climate data from the online repositories (CRU for mean temperature and terraclimate for max temperature, min temperature and precipitation) for points (latitude and longitude)
Uses products generated in 1_environment-import.R to calculate summary values per year, per month and within censuses from tree inventory plots.
Use products from 2_environment-summary.R to calculate the linear trends for each of the variables per plot and per cluster (group of plots based on plot codes from the database)
Functions for the other codes
Plot coordinates in decimal degrees. This file can be replaced by the metadata file from
File with information on each census where: Plot.Code has the code for the inventory plot Census.Date represents the date of the census as decimal date plot.census has the code for the inventory plot plus the census number Census.Date0 is the date of the previous census. census number
Note that heading follow names used in
Columns: explain