A driver for controlling a keithley 2636. The K2636.py program in this folder loads a set of .tsp instructions into the memory of the Keithley. It then tells the keithley to execute the instructions before closing the connection with the instrument.
To start the user interface run the following command:
python ofetMeasure.py
You can take the driver to script your own programs:
keithley = K2636(address='ASRL/dev/ttyUSB0', read_term='\n', baudrate=57600)
sample = 'ofet1'
It is written is python3. You will need to download the following modules too:
- visa
- serial
- matplotlib
- pandas
- for remote control: export XKB_DEFAULT_RULES=base export QT_XKB_CONFIG_ROOT=/usr/share/X11/xkb
- The Keithley 2636 uses 'TSP' rather than 'SCPI' which the Keithley 2400 understood.
- Other than the change in syntax, the way the commands are executed have changed. Now the Keithley now loads an entire script's worth of commands into it's non-volatile memory before execution. This means it's faster than before.
- The .tsp files in this repo are scripts which can be loaded into the K2636.
- .tsp are written in Lua (http://www.lua.org). Comments begin with '--'
- For more info on TSP check out the following links: