Builds off Roger Whitson's work in Markov-Tweet. Updated to automate and simplify the process of emulating a twitter user's style as well as replacing now-defunct libraries. Also, allows for Arabic text.
To use:
pip install tweepy
- Update the values in 'DO_ME_twitter_keys' and save as
- Update with the handle you wish to emulate.
Essentially, this bot differs from the original in that it's designed to emulate existing Twitter users effortlessly. No need to compile training data or multi-step procedures. Given the handle, it will:
- Autodump the last 3240 tweets of that user in csv
- Remove retweets+mentions
- Convert it into a text file
- Feed that into a MCMC model
- Tweet a single status out to your account.
This can be modified to emulate a single user, skipping the new tweetdumps and conversions, by simply commenting out lines 19-20. You can add python
to your CronJob to run regularly as a bot after 1 run. (Please don't tweetdump daily)
TODO:- Get a better damn MCMC model. Too little data and a broken model makes for very repetitive, nonsense tweets.