In general terms, glossary is defined as a list of terms in a special domain or area of usage, with accompanying definitions. In the translation context, glossary can be defined as a pair which is associated with a field of knowledge, source being in one language and the target being in another language.
Ex : {Appellant, अपीलकर्ता}
can be a pair under the en-hi glossary for the judicial domain.
Such glossary helps the Translation/Annotations systems to make effective translation based on the context and domain.
The UI for the explorer is kept simple. We can search for a particular glossary term by providing a language (mandatory) and domain (optional).
The logged in version provides option to add a glossary. Both individual or batch upload is supported.
- Any create glossary request should follow the json schema
"srcLanguage": "en",
"tgtLanguage": "hi",
"srcText": "Appellant",
"tgtText": "अपीलकर्ता",
"domain" : "legal",
"collectionSource" : "Anuvaad",
"level" : "w"
- Bulk upload takes a file of type xls/xlsx/csv/tsv
Create glossary
This api takes list of json objects as input to store them in the db
Glossary file upload
This api takes a file of type Xls/Xlsx/Csv/tsv to uplaod glossaries in bulk into the db
Search glossary
This api takes in a list of Phrases/sentences as input to retrive all the possible glossaries from the db
A quick intro on how to get started with running the glossary application on your machine
Here's a brief intro about what a developer must do in order to start developing the project further:
git clone
cd Glossary-App/
Start elastic search server by running the following commond in the elastic search directory on your local machine
Make sure our are in the project directory and run the following command