This is an ArcGIS python toolbox geoprocessing tool that exports a protocol specific CSV file from an Esri file geodatabase (FGDB) created by the NPS Park Observer mobile data collection tool. This tool is very specific to the Kittlitz's Murrlet Survey Protocol conducted by the Southeast Alaska Network (SEAN) in Glacier Bay National Park and Preserve (GLBA).
This tool does not need to be built in order to be used. However, this tool needs to stay
in sync with the KIMU survey protocol used by Park Observer. This can usually be done by
editing the configuration parameters at the start of the KIMUTools.pyt
Just copy the file KIMUTools.pyt
file to any location accessible by ArcGIS Desktop.
This toolbox is written for python 2.7 and only works with ArcMap or ArcCatalog.
In ArcMap or ArcCatalog, open the ArcToolbox window, and right click on an open
space to get the context menu. Select open toolbox and browse to KIMUTools.pyt
Launch the tool FGDB to CSV
in the KIMU Toolbox
. Select the FGDB created
with the poz2fgdb
tool from the *.poz
file exported from
Park Observer.
Provide an output folder and file name for the CSV and then click OK.