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Angular OpenMRS formentry is a module that aims at using angular framework to create a standalone module that can be used by the community and angular AMRS project to create forms. This Module will require a schema in a given format. This schema will be passed to this module which will generate a form based on the schema specification.
Here is an example of a simple app that will get you started. This app saves triage form on the openmrs reference app: If you clone this repo and run (grunt serve) you will be able to save obs (Simple Demo Tab). To verify that obs have been saved, login to
- username:admin
- password:Admin123
- location:Inpatient Ward
- patient:Elizabeth Johnson
Here are the links:
- module:
- controller:
- views:
In a nutshell you need 3 main methods: setAuthenticationHeaders, renderFormSchema and savePayload. see the controller below
(function () {
'use strict';
* @ngdoc function
* @name angularFormentryApp.controller:SimpleDemoCtrl
* @module angularFormentry
* @description
* # SimpleDemoCtrl: has only 3 main fx : setAuthenticationHeaders, renderFormSchema and savePayload
* Controller of the angularFormentry Developer DemoApp
* This is a simple demo containing basic OpenMRS Angular Formentry Functionalities
* We want you to have an easy time while you start consuming/using OpenMRS Angular Formentry.
* It contains basic feature --> for advanced features like field-handlers, historical auto-population see AdvancedDemoCtrl
* Note that all logic have been implemented in one controller (for simplicity purposes): angular best practice guides in
* development of real-world app requires these logic to be refactored to services/factories and directives
.controller('SimpleDemoCtrl', SimpleDemoCtrl);
SimpleDemoCtrl.$inject = [
'$log', '$scope', 'FormentryUtilService', 'FormEntry', '$resource', '$http', '$base64'
function SimpleDemoCtrl($log, $scope, FormentryUtilService, FormEntry, $resource, $http, base64) {
//form properties
$scope.model = {};
$scope.questionMap = {};
$scope.selectedSchema = 'demo-triage'; //schema :: see openmrs-angularFormentry/app/scripts/formentry/schema/demo-triage.json
//openMrs rest service base Url for ref app
$scope.openMrsRestServiceBaseUrl = ''; //url
//UX control flags
$scope.showSuccessMsg = false; //flag to show/hide "form saved successfully" message --> replace it with angular-dialog-service
$scope.errors = [];
$scope.isBusy = false; //busy indicator flag -->replace it with (bower install angular-loading)
//member functions
$scope.setAuthenticationHeaders = setAuthenticationHeaders; //this method implements user authentication
$scope.renderFormSchema = renderFormSchema; //this method renders form schema to the view
$scope.submitForm = submitForm; //submits payload to the rest server *only creates encounter/obs
$scope.savePayload = savePayload; //method that hits the rest api: returns a callback or fallback;
$scope.init = init; //initializes the controller
$scope.init(); //run the app
* @ngdoc function init
* @name init
* @description
* this function initializes the controller by calling authentication method and form schema rendering fx
function init() {
//authenticate user
$scope.setAuthenticationHeaders('admin', 'Admin123'); //-->replace this with a login page
//render schema
* @ngdoc function
* @name setAuthenticationHeaders
* @param password
* @param userName
* @todo handle move this to a service or create login page
* @description
* function do do basic authentication: takes in userName, password
function setAuthenticationHeaders(userName, password) {
$log.log('authenticating user...');
$http.defaults.headers.common.Authorization = 'Basic ' + base64.encode(userName + ':' + password);
* @ngdoc function
* @name renderFormSchema
* @description
* this function renders form schema on the view
function renderFormSchema() {
FormentryUtilService.getFormSchema($scope.selectedSchema, function (schema) {
$scope.schema = angular.toJson(schema, true); //bind schema to scope
var _schema = angular.fromJson(schema); //Deserializes form schema (JSON).
var model = {};
var formObject = FormEntry.createForm(_schema, model);
var newForm = formObject.formlyForm;
$scope.result = {
"formObject": formObject,
"newForm": newForm,
"model": model
$scope.tabs = newForm;
$scope.questionMap = formObject.questionMap;
$scope.model = model;
$scope.errors = formObject.error;
$log.debug('schema --->', newForm);
* @ngdoc function
* @name submitForm
* @todo handle provider, patient, location --> this should be moved to a service
* @description
* this function listens to save button --> it calls save payload function
function submitForm() {
$scope.errors = []; //clear all errors
$scope.isBusy = true; //busy indicator
$scope.showSuccessMsg = false; //clear all success msg
try {
var payload = FormEntry.getFormPayload($scope.model);
payload.provider = "fdf2bba3-ee9e-11e4-8e55-52540016b979"; //admin Admin123 (
payload.encounterType = "67a71486-1a54-468f-ac3e-7091a9a79584"; //Vitals (
payload.patient = "deb0905c-3b82-4631-88b2-b71425755cdf"; //Elizabeth Johnson (
payload.location = "b1a8b05e-3542-4037-bbd3-998ee9c40574"; //Inpatient Ward (
$log.debug('payload ---->', JSON.stringify(payload));
$log.debug('model ---->', $scope.model);
//hit the server
onSuccessCallback, onErrorFailback);
} catch (ex) {
* @ngdoc function
* @name onSuccessCallback
* @param encounter
* @callback successCallback
* @callback errorCallback
* @description
* this functions hits the openMrs rest service: has a 2 callbacks (error and success)
function savePayload(encounter, successCallback, errorCallback) {
$log.log('Submitting new obs...');
var v = 'custom:(uuid,encounterDatetime,' +
'patient:(uuid,uuid),form:(uuid,name),' +
'location:ref,encounterType:ref,provider:ref,' +
var encounterResource = $resource($scope.openMrsRestServiceBaseUrl + 'encounter/:uuid',
{uuid: '@uuid', v: v},
{query: {method: 'GET', isArray: false, cache: false}});$promise
.then(function (data) {
console.log('Encounter saved successfully');
if (typeof successCallback === 'function')
.catch(function (error) {
console.log('Error saving encounter');
if (typeof errorCallback === 'function')
* @ngdoc function
* @name onSuccessCallback
* @params data
* @description
* this a success callback function for the savePayload function
function onSuccessCallback(data) {
$log.log('Submitting new obs successful', data);
$scope.showSuccessMsg = true;
$scope.isBusy = false;
//TODO: Display success popup
* @ngdoc function
* @name onErrorFailback
* @param error
* @description
* this an error callback function for the savePayload function
function onErrorFailback(error) {
$log.error('Submitting new obs failed', error);
//TODO: Handle errors
$scope.isBusy = false;
The openmrs-angularFormentry module has the following key components:
- Field Handlers
- Form/field Validators
- Payload generators
This module does the following
- Converts a form schema into Formly Schema/one that the form can consume.
- Creates a model for you given an empty model
- Populates the model with existing data when viewing/editting data
- Generates a payload that you can submit to openmrs rest endpoints to save/update/delete data
This module does the following
- Converts a form schema into Formly Schema/one that the form can consume.
- Creates a model for you given an empty model
- Populates the model with existing data when viewing/editting data
- Generates a payload that you can submit to openmrs rest endpoints to save/update/delete data
For code snippets on how you can consume the module, see the GIST:
A form schema is a json document made up of the following main properties:
- name - name of the form,
- uuid - form uuid,
- processor - form processor e.g. EncounterFormProcessor ObsFormProcessor etc,
- referencedForms - Other forms that can be used to build the current form
- pages - Holds the form contents organized into pages. A page is made up of several sections and the sections contains various fields.
The fields are supposed to be used to represent the questions on form. The module supports a wide range of field types namely:
- a. encounterProvider,
- b. encounterLocation,
- c. encounterDatetime,
- d. obs,
- e. obsGroup
- f. personAttributes
Each of this fields can be rendered in various forms using the rendering property of the field: The rendering types allowable by the this module are:
- a) text,
- b) number
- c) select/dropdown
- d) checkbox
- e) multi-checkbox
- f) ui-select-extended
- g) date
- h) problem
- i) text area
label:"field label/title",
type: "as describe above e.g. obs/obsGroup/etc"
id:"optional uinque Id for a field",
concept:"question concept uuid or concept mapping",
rendering:"field rendering option as listed above",
answers :[used only for select and multi-checkbox- has an array of answer objects in this format {concept:uuuid, label:"answer label"}]
validators : [an array of validator objects used to validate the field],
disable:"expression to disable the field",
hide: "expression to hide the field"
A page is a way of grouping related fields/questions on the a given page on the form. A page can have several sections. ### ### Page structure:
label : "page label",
sections: [
label:"section label",
questions: [
label:"field label/title",
type: "as describe above e.g. obs/obsGroup/etc"
id:"optional uinque Id for a field",
concept:"question concept uuid or concept mapping",
rendering:"field rendering option as listed above",
answers :[used only for select and multi-checkbox- has an array of answer objects in this format {concept:uuuid, label:"answer label"}]
validators : [an array of validator objects used to validate the field],
disable:"expression to disable the field",
hide: "expression to hide the field"
label:"field label/title",
type: "as describe above e.g. obs/obsGroup/etc"
id:"optional uinque Id for a field",
concept:"question concept uuid or concept mapping",
rendering:"field rendering option as listed above",
answers :[used only for select and multi-checkbox- has an array of answer objects in this format {concept:uuuid, label:"answer label"}]
validators : [an array of validator objects used to validate the field],
disable:"expression to disable the field",
hide: "expression to hide the field"
"name": "example_form_v0.01",
"uuid": "xxxx",
"processor": "EncounterFormProcessor",
"pages": [
"label": "Page 1",
"sections": [
"label": "Encounter Details",
"questions": [
"label": "Visit Date",
"type": "encounterDatetime",
"required": "true",
"default": "",
"id": "encDate",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "date"
"validators": [
"type": "date"
"type": "encounterProvider",
"label": "Provider",
"id": "provider",
"required": "true",
"default": "",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "ui-select-extended"
"type": "encounterLocation",
"label": "Facility name (site/satellite clinic required):",
"id": "location",
"required": "true",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "ui-select-extended"
"label": "Patient covered by NHIF:",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "select",
"concept": "a8b02524-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"answers": [
"concept": "8b715fed-97f6-4e38-8f6a-c167a42f8923",
"label": "Yes"
"concept": "a899e0ac-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "No"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"type": "personAttribute",
"label": "Transfer in from other AMPATH clinic (specify):",
"id": "transfered_in_to_ampath",
"required": "false",
"default": "",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "ui-select-extended",
"attributeType": "7ef225db-94db-4e40-9dd8-fb121d9dc370"
"label": "Was this visit scheduled?",
"id": "scheduledVisit",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "select",
"concept": "a89ff9a6-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"answers": [
"concept": "a89b6440-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Scheduled visit"
"concept": "a89ff816-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Unscheduled Visit Early"
"concept": "a89ff8de-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Unscheduled Visit Late"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "If Unscheduled, actual scheduled date",
"id": "q7b",
"type": "obs",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "date",
"concept": "dc1942b2-5e50-4adc-949d-ad6c905f054e"
"required": {
"type": "conditionalRequired",
"message": "Patient visit marked as unscheduled. Please provide the scheduled date.",
"referenceQuestionId": "scheduledVisit",
"referenceQuestionAnswers": [
"validators": [
"type": "date",
"allowFutureDates": "true"
"type": "js_expression",
"failsWhenExpression": "!isEmpty(scheduledVisit) && arrayContains(['a89ff816-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838','a89ff8de-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838'], scheduledVisit) && isEmpty(myValue)",
"message": "Patient visit marked as unscheduled. Please provide the scheduled date."
"disable": {
"disableWhenExpression": "!arrayContains(['a89ff816-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838','a89ff8de-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838'], scheduledVisit)"
"label": "PWPs",
"questions": [
"label": "Civil Status:",
"type": "obs",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "select",
"concept": "a899a9f2-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"answers": [
"concept": "a899af10-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Cohabitating"
"concept": "a899af10-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Divorced"
"concept": "a8aa76b0-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Married monogamous"
"concept": "a8b03712-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Married polygamous"
"concept": "a899aba0-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Separated"
"concept": "a899ac7c-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Single"
"concept": "a899ae34-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Widowed"
"validators": []
"label": "Discordant couple:",
"questionOptions": {
"answers": [
"concept": "a899b35c-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Yes"
"concept": "a899b42e-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "NO"
"concept": "a899b50a-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Unknown"
"concept": "a89ad3a4-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "N/A"
"concept": "a8af49d8-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"rendering": "select"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Prevention With Positives: At risk population:",
"questionOptions": {
"concept": "93aa3f1d-1c39-4196-b5e6-8adc916cd5d6",
"answers": [
"concept": "5da55301-e28e-4fdf-8b64-02622dedc8b0",
"label": "Client of sex worker"
"concept": "a89ff438-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Commercial sex worker"
"concept": "a8af49d8-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Discordant couple"
"concept": "a890d57a-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "IV drug use"
"concept": "e19c35f0-12f0-46c2-94ea-97050f37b811",
"label": "MSM"
"concept": "a89ad3a4-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "N/A"
"rendering": "select"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Prevention With Positives: PWP Services:",
"questionOptions": {
"concept": "9ce5dbf0-a141-4ad8-8c9d-cd2bf84fe72b",
"answers": [
"concept": "f0a280e8-eb88-41a8-837a-f9949ed1b9cd",
"label": "Condom promotion/provision"
"concept": "bf51f71e-937c-4da5-ae07-654acf59f5bb",
"label": "Couple counseling"
"concept": "a8af49d8-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "Needle exchange"
"concept": "05656545-86be-4605-9527-34fb580534b1",
"label": "Targeted risk reduction"
"concept": "a89ad3a4-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"label": "N/A"
"rendering": "select"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Vital Signs:",
"questions": [
"label": "BP:Systolic:",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a65d5a-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "250",
"min": "0"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "BP:Diastolic:",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a65e36-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "150",
"min": "0"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Pulse(Rate/Min):",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a65f12-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "230",
"min": "0"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Temp(C):",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a65fee-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "43",
"min": "25"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Weight(Kg):",
"id": "weight",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a660ca-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "150",
"min": "0"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Height(CM):",
"id": "height",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a6619c-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "350",
"min": "0"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "Sp02:",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a8a66354-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "100",
"min": "0"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []
"label": "BMI:Kg/M2",
"questionOptions": {
"rendering": "number",
"concept": "a89c60c0-1350-11df-a1f1-0026b9348838",
"max": "100",
"min": "0",
"calculate": {
"calculateExpression": "calcBMI(height,weight)"
"type": "obs",
"validators": []