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Samuel Hamann edited this page Apr 28, 2021 · 3 revisions

This method calculates Abbababa statistics using ANGSD. Please see ANGSD's tutorial page for full details on this method.

Basic Usage

To run this method, use the following command

angsd-wrapper Abbababa Abbababa_Config

where Abbababa_Config is the full path to the configuration file for the 2D site frequency spectrum and Fst estimations.

Input files

All inputs should be specified in Abbababa_Config.

Common Variables

This method does make use of Common_Config, those that are used are listed below:

Variable Function
A list of samples to be used in calculations
SAMPLE_INBREEDING List of inbreeding coefficients, 1 value for each individual
ANC_SEQ Ancestral sequence, possibly used as an outgroup (see below)
REF_SEQ Reference sequence
PROJECT Name given to all outputs in ANGSD-wrapper
SCRATCH Place to store files, the full path is SCRATCH/PROJECT/Abbababa
REGIONS Limit the scope of ANGSD-wrapper to certain regions
UNIQUE_ONLY Use uniquely mapped reads only
MIN_MAPQ Minimum base mapping quality
MIN_BASEQUAL Minimum base quality score
MIN_IND Minimum number of individuals needed to use this site
N_CORES Number of cores to use, please do not set above the limits of your system

Method-Specific Variables

These variables are specific to this method:

Variable Function
OUTGROUP FASTA file to be used as the outgroup for Abbababa tests. If left empty,

Method Parameters

The parameters for this method can be tweaked as necessary, they have been set for optimal generalized function:

Parameter Function
DO_COUNTS Flag to count allele frequencies
DO_ABBABABA Run the Abbababa analysis
REMOVE_TRANS Remove transitions
BLOCKSIZE Number of sites in each chunk
USE_LAST Use the last individual in the bam file as outgroup instead of a fasta file
ENHANCE Use only sites where the reads for the outgroup has the same base for all reads. Only works with USE_LAST=1

Output Files

Naming Scheme Contents
PROJECT.D.arg Details of arguments


PROJECT.abbababa.txt can be visualized with the Shiny graphing interface. A web browser with a graphical user interface is required.