diff --git a/configfiles/CC_MC_RECO_ntuple/ClusterFinderConfig b/configfiles/CC_MC_RECO_ntuple/ClusterFinderConfig index 4e3606764..90934ea38 100644 --- a/configfiles/CC_MC_RECO_ntuple/ClusterFinderConfig +++ b/configfiles/CC_MC_RECO_ntuple/ClusterFinderConfig @@ -1,11 +1,12 @@ # ClusterFinder Config File +verbosity 0 HitStore MCHits #Either MCHits or Hits (accessed in ANNIEEvent store) OutputFile mc_clusters.root -ClusterFindingWindow 50 # in ns, size of the window used to "clusterize" +ClusterFindingWindow 40 # in ns, size of the window used to "clusterize" AcqTimeWindow 70000 # in ns, size of the acquisition window -ClusterIntegrationWindow 50 # in ns, all hits with +/- 1/2 of this window are considered in the cluster +ClusterIntegrationWindow 40 # in ns, all hits with +/- 1/2 of this window are considered in the cluster MinHitsPerCluster 5 # group of hits are considered clusters above this amount of hits end_of_window_time_cut 0.95 # from o to 1, length of the window you want to loop over with respect to acq. window (1 for full window, 0.95 for 95% from the start) Plots2D 0 #Draw 2D charge-vs-time plots? -verbosity 0 +MC_pulse_width 35 # width of MC "pulse" in which to integrate true photon hits - all true photon hits on a single PMT will be combined into a "pulse" of this width