A local discord bot that joins a voice channel and plays youtube links as audio (Music player)
To use this bot you must use the link provided by the admin to add it to a server. This Bot is ran locally and will only work if the admin is running the code through a CLI. If you have the files locally you may run "node ." within the file location in a CLI.
Once the Bot has joined the server it will accept any of these commands followed by the prefix "-"
- -help will display the available commands that Abot will accept.
- -play insert youtube link makes Abot join a voice channel and play the youtube link following the command. NOTE The command will only work if a user is in a voice channel as the bot maps to the channel the user who ran the command is on. If you enter the command again as a link is already playing it will add it to a queue to play once the link is done. Currently the queue can hold a max of 3.
- -skip Abot will skip to the next song in queue. If you skip the last song in the queue Abot will disconnect from voice.
- -stop will stop Abot from playing and disconnect it from the voice channel.
For any issues please create a "new issue" post so I can properly address it and work towards mitigation.