skript-placeholders 1.7.0
This version of skript-placeholders requires Skript 2.7.3 or newer. It also contains several breaking syntax changes that make it not compatible with 1.6.0. You will need to make some minor changes to your scripts for them to parse.
This update includes numerous internal improvements, bug fixes, and some new features. It is not compatible by default with 1.6.0 as there have been some breaking changes to syntax. It is strongly recommended to review the rewritten wiki which covers all of these changes:
For any issues or suggestions, please report them under the issues tab:
For any questions, please ask them under the discussions tab:
For further information on additions and changes, please review the wiki:
- Added support for obtaining and creating relational placeholders with PlaceholderAPI.
- The syntax for creating placeholders has been simplified.
- It is no longer possible to register multiple PlaceholderAPI prefixes in the same structure. The same applies for MVdWPlaceholderAPI placeholders.
(placeholder[ ]api|papi) placeholder (with|for) [the] prefix %*string%
(placeholder[ ]api|papi) relational placeholder (with|for) [the] prefix %*string%
(mvdw[ ]placeholder[ ]api|mvdw) placeholder [with [the] name|named] %*string%
- The syntax for evaluating placeholders has been simplified.
[the] [value of [the]] [relational] placeholder[s] [in] %strings% [(for|from|of) %-players/offlineplayers%]
[relational] placeholder[s] %strings%'[s] value [(for|from|of) %-players/offlineplayers%]
- Fixed an issue where registering a PlaceholderAPI placeholder across multiple structures no longer worked.