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Releases: ARGOeu/eosc-recommender-metrics

Version 3.0.0

21 Mar 15:56
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  • Users are now generated based on user actions and are no longer retrieved
  • Add new statistics: Total User Actions and Item Views in metrics and UI
  • Add support for capacity report in CSV and plot
  • Store calculation errors in report
  • Update UI to display warnings on calculation errors
  • Update healthcheck to include recommendations stream check
  • Store resource items per provider
  • Enchance get_catalog to use exact query parameter for marketplace search api
  • Add new info in metrics report: timestamp and tag
  • Add support to ignore database entries with timestamp in metrics' calculations when necessary
  • Add e-mail support for the RS Monitor
  • Add support for Content-based Engine (Athena) metrics computations in
  • Generate metrics based on filtered resource types according to configuration

Bugs / FiXes

  • Convert np.nan to None types in data structures
  • Convert Top5_ordered to Top5_viewed, fix in item views and novelty
  • Fix Typo in item views definition
  • Bump urllib3 to 1.26.18 and fix pyarrow version
  • Bump werkzeug from 2.2.3 to 3.0.1 and flask fixes
  • Fix URLs preview in Top5 items
  • Fix bad type of resource_id in recommendations structure
  • Fix gathering mechanism in get_catalog concerning services and data_sources


  • Update to docusaurus 3.x
  • Update LICENSE
  • Add report description in /website and README
  • Add Handover documents
  • Add code quality badge in README

Version 2.0.0

07 Sep 09:36
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  • Add support in all reports for the TOP 5 items recommended
  • Add support in all reports for the TOP 5 items ordered
  • Add support for Top 5 scientific domains for recommendations
  • Add monthly user_actions and recommendations to the ui
  • Add support for Top 5 scientific domains for orders
  • Add support for Top 5 categories for orders
  • Add support for Top 5 categories for recommendations
  • Add support for Top 5 scientific domains for recommendations
  • Add support for Top 5 categories for recommendations
  • Add support for Monthly user actions and recommendations
  • Support metrics calculations for anonymous users
  • Support evaluation of training material in the recommender
  • Support evaluation of data sources in the recommender
  • Update provider names with recommendation engine names
  • Make catalog script to be able to store results in mongodb
  • Prepare user actions and recommendations to accept any known type
  • Simplyfing the Reward mechanism featuring ordered or not
  • Implement get_catalog script to retrieve list of items from any marketplace catalog as csv
  • Ui selection box allow reports to be sorted by most recent
  • Api get report names sorted by the most recent one
  • Support legacy and current reports in ui for all different recommendation engines
  • Fix URL paths and re-add reward mechanism
  • Support current and legacy schema based on aai_uid and user_id respectively
  • Retrieve list of services from marketplace api.
  • Retrieve list of categories and scientific domains
  • Update Monitoring healthcheck with db and streaming statuses
  • Creating a placeholder for the RS Metrics healthcheck service
  • Enable python syntax style checks using flake8 Apply style fixes in python files
  • Support of message bus. Create a stream connector to ingest messages from Recommender queue
  • Statically usage of the Cyfronet user actions
  • Add basic routing and placeholders for main views
  • Add Accuracy in RSMetrics UI
  • First version of the accuracy metric with documentation
  • create a new view to display graphs
  • User_actions per day metric has been added
  • Recommendations per day metric has been added
  • Add date range info on ui
  • Add url to the metric page
  • Altering schema and adding ingestion policy in pre_metrics, whereas indexes have been removed
  • Adding new ingestion policy in users and resources collections, whereas indexes have been removed
  • Adding new ingestion policy in user_actions and recommendations collections, whereas indexes have been removed
  • Calculate novelty using simpler expression
  • New implementation of the Gini Index (basic) including services of 0 occurrence
  • New implementation of the Shannon Entropy (Elliot diversity is being removed)

Bugs / FiXes

  • Metrics are now return None if they cannot perform calculations
  • Fix in filtering unknown resources
  • Wherever referenced harcoded: change services to items
  • Update api and docusaurus dependencies
  • Handle Zero Division
  • Fix some underscore latex renderings in user and catalog coverage docs


  • Update documentation and clear stuff
  • Add Use Cases, About and Material pages with overview pdf file
  • Add
  • Add CITATION.cff
  • Updates to readme for QC.Doc02.X
  • Support QC.Doc06.2
  • Add Metrics Descriptions docs
  • Add Privacy file
  • Add policy/terms pages and relevant links to ui
  • Accuracy metric with documentation
  • Create intro page for rseval service
  • Update docs in users, services and recommendation metrics

Version 1.0.5

13 Mar 15:17
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  • RSS-160: Create a stream connector to ingest msgs from rs queue
  • REC-163 First version of the User events extraction and storing
  • REC-166 Initialise react subfolder for ui migration
  • REC-167 Add basic routing and placeholders for main views
  • Create CITATION.cff
  • Create Code of Conduct
  • REC-174 Process user_events and update user information accordingly
  • REC-175 Process service_events and update service information accordingly
  • REC-180 Enable python syntax style checks using flake8
  • REC-188 stream connector reconnect on disconnect
  • REC-191 Statically usage of the Cyfronet user actions
  • REC-192 Creating a placeholder for the RS Metrics healthcheck service
  • REC-199 Update healthcheck with db and streaming statuses
  • REC-204 Move user actions from preprocessor to preprocessor_common
  • REC-208 Use same field names in db and in python dataframes
  • REC-209 Skip computations when no data found
  • REC-210 Stream connector will skip reading service path if it doesn't exitst
  • REC-211 Collect categories and scientific domains
  • REC-212 New statistics: Monthly user actions and recommendations

Version 1.0.4

10 Jan 09:19
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  • Create a new view to display graphs - REC-150
  • Add policy/terms pages and relevant links to ui
  • Created policy document
  • Created terms of use
  • user_actions and recommendations per day statistics return same period - REC-152
  • First version of the accuracy metric - REC-110
  • Add Accuracy in RSMetrics UI - REC-165


  • Docusaurus detailed documentation
  • Metrics Descriptions docs in outer category
  • First version of the accuracy metric with documentation


  • Manual Bump certifi from 2021.10.8 to 2022.12.7

Version 1.0.3

28 Nov 14:56
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  • REC-136 Add a boilerplate jenkinsfile
  • REC-128 Support of multiple providers; Athena data has been introduced
  • REC-129 Update api to support reports
  • REC-134 Remove intermediate files and add cache option
  • REC-135 Optimise mongo data ingestion to panda dataframes
  • REC-141 Add docsite using docusaurus
  • REC-113 Recommendations per day metric has been added
  • REC-114 User_actions per day metric has been added
  • REC-148 Naming changes to reflect recommended_items instead of recommendation_actions

Version 0.1

06 Apr 06:46
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  • 1st version of the Preprocessor Component
  • 1st version of Metrics Component with a) User Coverage, b) Catalog Coverage
  • 1st version of the UI

Version 0.2.1

19 Apr 09:19
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  • Incorporate get service catalog module to preprocessor
  • fix in searching pageid in dict
  • .gitignore -> adding data/ folder cause of sensitive data
  • change environment.yml to add all dependencies for all programs for conda environment
  • change requirements.txt to add all dependencies for all programs for pip environment
  • add in config.yaml new options (users.csv and services.csv with the respective input options), altering names, merging
  • configuration and create discrete definitions
  • add timestamp in both programs ( and
  • set version to 0.2 for both programs
  • rename dataset.csv to user_actions.csv
  • rename user_suggested to user_coverage and service_suggested to service_coverage (also for *_perc, respectively)
  • fix sorting to be numerically and not alphanumerically
  • fix values to round in 2 decimals when float
  • add the where all metrics are defined from the program only, where the function name indicates
  • the metric name and the doc decorator adds a _doc field in metrics.json
  • report.prototype has been changed to apply the renames in user and service coverage
  • add new schemas in docs
  • append info in README

Version 1.0.2

01 Nov 09:47
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  • REC-24 Add the services rating info in the services.csv
  • REC-42 Making services.csv mandatory by removing services flag
  • REC-46 Calculate hit-rate
  • REC-50 Add Click-Through Rate Metric
  • REC-52 Add diversity metric to report
  • REC-51 Display report as a webservice
  • REC-53 Calculating Novelty
  • REC-57 Add novelty to the UI
  • REC 58 Adding the GiniIndex Diversity
  • REC-55 Reorganize metrics output
  • REC-62 Include gini index in the report ui
  • REC-63 Serve individual statistics and metrics from webservice api
  • REC-64 Removing backup plan for calculating users and services
  • REC-69 Fix get services parsing due to changes in marketplace page
  • REC-71 Top 5 services recommended metric is being added
  • REC-72 Top 5 services ordered metric is being added
  • REC-74 Implement metric description dashboard page in web service
  • REC-75 Modifying services.csv file format to: service_id, rating
  • REC-76 Bugfix in dictionary creation of service ids and pages id
  • REC-77 First version of Diversity Gini Index YAML file
  • REC-78 First version of Catalog Coverage YAML file
  • REC-79 First version of Click-Through-Rate
  • REC-80 First version of Hit Rate
  • REC-81 Update metric descriptions page with css and dynamic sidebar
  • REC 93, Part d: YAML file for Diversity Gini Index has been updated.
  • REC-96 update docs in users, services and recommendation metrics
  • REC-95 Retrieve service name from EOSC-Marketplace
  • REC-97 Calculate novelty using simpler expression
  • REC-99 Create intro page for rseval service
  • REC-101 Update webservice app to use mongodb as datastore
  • REC-103 A first version of the RSMetrics Datastore MongoDB implementation
  • REC-118 Adding new ingestion policy in user_actions and recommendation
  • REC-119 Adding new ingestion policy in users and resources collection
  • REC-121 Altering schema and adding ingestion policy in pre_metrics
  • REC-120 Append pre_metrics with type and provider
  • REC-124 Remove the unneeded CSV exporting functionality.
  • REC-126 Read data from RS Metrics MongoDB Datastore


  • typos fix
  • Adding tooltip to variables (see REC-25)
  • Update
  • Adding timestamp in UI (see REC-18)
  • User actions are enriched according to REC-34.
  • Adding start and end time according to REC-29.
  • fixing bugs in start and end metrics where start and end arguments
  • Set start and end metrics. Get the min/max from both user_actions and recommendations
  • Users and Services consistency according to REC-19.
  • Setting v.0.2.2 in both Preprocessor and RSmetrics
  • Bug-Fix in user_coverage calculation
  • RSmetrics typical usage added
  • Adding new metrics: recommendations_registered, recommendations_anonymous
  • Adding new metrics in Preprocessor: recommendations_registered, recommendations
  • Removing user and service catalog metrics from Preprocessor (REC-45)
  • Pre-metrics have been encapsulated in functions and appended with description
  • Adding new metrics in RSmetrics: recommendations_registered, recommendation
  • Update