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CMSIS-Core Validation

This folder contains a test suite that validates CMSIS-Core implementations. It uses Fixed Virtual Platforms to run tests to verify correct operation of the CMSIS-Core functionality on various Arm Cortex based processors.

Folder structure

    📂 CoreValidation
    ┣ 📂 Include        Include files for test cases etc.
    ┣ 📂 Layer          Layers for creating the projects.
    ┣ 📂 Project        Solution and project files to build tests for various configurations.
    ┗ 📂 Source         Test case source code.

Test matrix

Currently, the following build configurations are provided:

  1. Compiler
    • Arm Compiler 6 (AC6)
    • GNU Compiler (GCC)
    • LLVM/Clang (Clang)
  2. Devices
    • Cortex-M0
    • Cortex-M0+
    • Cortex-M3
    • Cortex-M4 (with FPU)
    • Cortex-M7 (with DP FPU)
    • Cortex-M23
      • w/o security extensions (TrustZone)
      • in secure mode
      • in non-secure mode
    • Cortex-M33 (with FPU and DSP extensions)
      • w/o security extensions (TrustZone)
      • in secure mode
      • in non-secure mode
    • Cortex-M35P (with FPU and DSP extensions)
      • w/o security extensions (TrustZone)
      • in secure mode
      • in non-secure mode
    • Cortex-M55 (with FPU and DSP extensions)
      • w/o security extensions (TrustZone)
      • in secure mode
      • in non-secure mode
    • Cortex-M85 (with FPU and DSP extensions)
      • w/o security extensions (TrustZone)
      • in secure mode
      • in non-secure mode
    • Cortex-A5
      • w/o NEON extensions
    • Cortex-A7
      • w/o NEON extensions
    • Cortex-A9
      • w/o NEON extensions
  3. Optimization Levels
    • none
    • balanced
    • size
    • speed


The following tools are required to build and run the CoreValidation tests:

The executables need to be present on the PATH. For tools distributed via vcpkg (*) this can be achieved automatically:

 ./CMSIS/CoreValidation/Project $ vcpkg activate

Install the Python packages required by

 ./CMSIS/CoreValidation/Project $ pip install -r requirements.txt

Build and run

To build and run the CoreValidation tests for one or more configurations use the following command line. Select the <compiler>, <device>, and <optimize> level to build and run for.

 ./CMSIS/CoreValidation/Project $ ./ -c <compiler> -d <device> -o <optimize> [build] [run]

For example, build and run the tests using GCC for Cortex-M3 with low optimization, execute:

 ./CMSIS/CoreValidation/Project $ ./ -c GCC -d CM3 -o none build run
[GCC][Cortex-M3][none](build:csolution) csolution convert -s Validation.csolution.yml -c Validation.GCC_low+CM3
[GCC][Cortex-M3][none](build:csolution) csolution succeeded with exit code 0
[GCC][Cortex-M3][none](build:cbuild) cbuild Validation.GCC_low+CM3/Validation.GCC_low+CM3.cprj
[GCC][Cortex-M3][none](build:cbuild) cbuild succeeded with exit code 0
[GCC][Cortex-M3][none](run:model_exec) VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M3 -q --simlimit 100 -f ../Layer/Target/CM3/model_config.txt -a Validation.GCC_low+CM3/Validation.GCC_low+CM3_outdir/Validation.GCC_low+CM3.elf
[GCC][Cortex-M3][none](run:model_exec) VHT_MPS2_Cortex-M3 succeeded with exit code 0

Matrix Summary

compiler    device     optimize    build    clean    extract    run
----------  ---------  ----------  -------  -------  ---------  -----
GCC         Cortex-M3  none        success  (skip)   (skip)     35/35

The full test report is written to Core_Validation-GCC-none-CM3-<timestamp>.junit file.

