This repository was commissioned to support a tutorial published in Issue 163 of Linux User and Developer Magazine.
In the article I outline the case for Docker Swarm on the Raspberry PI and..
Install and configure Arch Linux giving a static IP address
Go into detail on how to recompile the latest version of Docker from an older (issue-free) version
Updates for Step 7 & 8
Please skip both of these steps and run the below instead (this is because Docker 1.10-3 is fully working in the package repository)
07 Install Docker 1.7.1 08 Build Docker on Docker!
# pacman -Sy docker
# sudo systemctl enable docker
# sudo usermod lud -aG docker
# sudo reboot
Edit /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service
and add the following to the line starting ExecStart
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker daemon -H fd:// -H tcp:// --cluster-advertise eth0:2375 --cluster-store consul://
We then build Docker Swarm itself
Build out native images for Node.js, Redis and Consul.
Finally we put it all together and use Apache-Bench to load-test the solution with Nginx doing load-balancing for us.
I have provided a much condensed and abbreviated version of the steps in this guide: Follow the condensed guide
Please leave comments and questions over on my blog at:
If you are running into issues with the scripts or images, then raise an issue on the Github repository.