The course website for Jason K. Moore's University of California, Davis Mechanical Vibrations course (ENG 122). The rendered version can be viewed at:
This site is generated with Pelican.
Install miniconda. Create an environment for this website:
$ conda create -n pelican python=2 pygments pip jinja2 docutils markupsafe python-dateutil pytz six unidecode fabric $ source activate pelican (pelican)$ pip install pelican ghp-import
Clone the plugin repository (for the render_math plugin):
$ mkdir ~/src $ git clone ~/src/
Rebuild and serve the site locally:
(pelican)$ fab reserve
Push the site to Github pages:
(pelican)$ fab gh_pages
Creative Commons CC0
To the extent possible under law, Jason K. Moore has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to ENG122 Mechanical Vibrations Course Website. This work is published from: United States.