Repository containing the code to communicate with the haptic-glove
Check repo readme
To use this repo:
Install Arduino IDE 1.6.8 or newer;
open the haptic_glove_driver sketch with it and go to File->Preferences;
Additional Boards Manager URLs:
insert; -
go to Tools->Board and select the
. Thus search for theOpenHAK
boards; -
go to Tools->Board and select the
board; -
Attempt compilation with the
Button; -
In case of issues with the strings some of the libraries may need to be edited (related to the macro F)
run the launch file
roslaunch haptic_glove_ros haptic_glove.launch dev_path:=/dev/ttyUSB0
specifing the USB port of the glove.
Another way is to run the serial node autonomously rosrun rosserial_python /dev/ttyUSB0 _baud:=250000
. In many cases it gets problems if it is launched from launch file.
roslaunch haptic_glove_ros haptic_glove.launch dev_path:=/dev/ttyUSB0 baud_rate:=250000
launches the application nodes that control the vibration using the optoforce topics.